Policy names
Each policy has a name field. Every policy name must be unique for the current VDOM regardless of policy type. Previous to FortiOS 5.4, this field was optional.
On upgrading from an earlier version of FortiOS to 5.4, policy names are not assigned to old policies, but when configuring new policies, a unique name must be assigned to the policy. |
Configuring the Name field
In the GUI, the field for the policy name is the first field on the editing page.
In the CLI, the syntax for assigning the policy name is:
config firewall [policy|policy6]
edit 0
set name <policy name>
Disabling policy name requirement
While by default the requirement of having a unique name for each policy is the default, it can be enabled or disabled. Oddly enough, if disabling the requirement is a one time thing, doing it in the CLI is more straightforward.
This setting is VDOM based so if you are running multiple VDOMs, you will have to enter the correct VDOM before entering the CLI commands or turning the feature on or off in the GUI. |
To edit the requirement in the GUI, the ability to do so must be enabled in the CLI. The syntax is:
config system settings
set gui-allow-unnamed-policy [enable|disable]
Once it has been enabled, the requirement for named policies can be relaxed by going to System > Feature Visibility. Allow Unnamed Policies can be found under Additional Features. Here you can toggle the requirement on and off.
To change the requirement in the CLI, use the following syntax:
config system settings
set gui-advance policy [enable|disable]