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IPv6 addresses

IPv6 addresses

When creating an IPv6 address there are a number of different types of addresses that can be specified. These include:

  • Subnet
  • IP Range - the details of this type of address are the same as the IPv4 version of this type
  • IPv6 FQDN firewall addresses - similar to the IPv4 version.

The IPv6 addresses don't yet have the versatility of the IPv4 address in that they don't have things like geography based addresses, but as IPv6 becomes more mainstream this should change.

IPv6 addresses

When creating an IPv6 address there are a number of different types of addresses that can be specified. These include:

  • Subnet
  • IP Range - the details of this type of address are the same as the IPv4 version of this type
  • IPv6 FQDN firewall addresses - similar to the IPv4 version.

The IPv6 addresses don't yet have the versatility of the IPv4 address in that they don't have things like geography based addresses, but as IPv6 becomes more mainstream this should change.