webfilter override
config webfilter override edit {id} # Configure FortiGuard Web Filter administrative overrides. set id {integer} Override rule ID. range[0-4294967295] set status {enable | disable} Enable/disable override rule. set scope {user | user-group | ip | ip6} Override either the specific user, user group, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address. user Override the specified user. user-group Override the specified user group. ip Override the specified IP address. ip6 Override the specified IPv6 address. set ip {ipv4 address} IPv4 address which the override applies. set user {string} Name of the user which the override applies. size[64] set user-group {string} Specify the user group for which the override applies. size[63] - datasource(s): user.group.name set old-profile {string} Name of the web filter profile which the override applies. size[35] - datasource(s): webfilter.profile.name set new-profile {string} Name of the new web filter profile used by the override. size[35] - datasource(s): webfilter.profile.name set ip6 {ipv6 address} IPv6 address which the override applies. set expires {string} Override expiration date and time, from 5 minutes to 365 from now (format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss). set initiator {string} Initiating user of override (read-only setting). size[64] next end