firewall {vipgrp46 | vipgrp64}
Use these commands to create VIP46 and VIP64 virtual IP groups.
config firewall vipgrp46 edit {name} # Configure IPv4 to IPv6 virtual IP groups. set name {string} VIP46 group name. size[63] set uuid {uuid} Universally Unique Identifier (UUID; automatically assigned but can be manually reset). set color {integer} Integer value to determine the color of the icon in the GUI (range 1 to 32, default = 0, which sets the value to 1). range[0-32] set comments {string} Comment. size[255] config member edit {name} # Member VIP objects of the group (Separate multiple objects with a space). set name {string} VIP46 name. size[64] - datasource(s): next next end
config firewall vipgrp64 edit {name} # Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IP groups. set name {string} VIP64 group name. size[63] set uuid {uuid} Universally Unique Identifier (UUID; automatically assigned but can be manually reset). set color {integer} Integer value to determine the color of the icon in the GUI (range 1 to 32, default = 0, which sets the value to 1). range[0-32] set comments {string} Comment. size[255] config member edit {name} # Member VIP objects of the group (Separate multiple objects with a space). set name {string} VIP64 name. size[64] - datasource(s): next next end
Additional information
The following section is for those options that require additional explanation.