system wireless settings
Use this command to configure wireless settings.
config system wireless settings set mode {CLIENT | AP | SCAN} Mode. CLIENT Client. AP Access point. SCAN Scan. set band {option} Band. 802.11a 802.11a. 802.11b 802.11b. 802.11g 802.11g. 802.11g-only 802.11g only. 802.11n 802.11n at 2.4G band. 802.11ng-only 802.11ng only at 2.4G band. 802.11n-only 802.11n only at 2.4G band. 802.11n-5G 802.11n at 5G band. 802.11n-5G-only 802.11n only at 5G band. 802.11ac 802.11ac at 5G band. 802.11acn-only 802.11acn only at 5G band. 802.11ac-only 802.11ac only at 5G band. set geography {option} Geography. World World. Americas Americas. EMEA EMEA. Israel Israel. Japan Japan. set channel {integer} Channel. range[0-4294967295] set power-level {integer} Power level (0 - 17). range[0-17] set beacon-interval {integer} Beacon level (25 - 1000). range[25-1000] set short-guard-interval {enable | disable} Enable/disable short guard interval. set channel-bonding {enable | disable} Supported channel width. set bgscan {disable | enable} Enable/disable background rogue AP scan. set bgscan-interval {integer} Interval between two rounds of scanning (15 - 3600 sec). range[15-3600] set bgscan-idle {integer} Interval between scanning channels (100 - 1000 ms). range[100-1000] set rogue-scan {enable | disable} Enable/disable rogue scan. set rogue-scan-mac-adjacency {integer} MAC adjacency (0-31). range[0-31] end