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Deploy Kubernetes Agent Controller

Deploy Kubernetes Agent Controller

After you pressed Add Kubernetes Cluster, the fcli command line tool needs to downloaded and executed on the Kuberentes cluster to deploy the Kubernetes agent. The purpose of deploying the agent is to give FortiCNP the capability to retrieve logs and provide security monitoring.

Click fcli for linux or fcli for mac to download the fcli command line tool.

If the fcli link does not work, use the following links to download and execute the file in Kubernetes cluster.

Operating System

FCLI Command Line Tool Download Link

Mac OS

Alternatively, you can also use wget command to download the file in Kubernetes cluster.

Port Requirement

Make sure the host: is not restricted to allow the Kubernetes agent to send data back to Container Protection.

There is no specific port required for Kubernetes agent, make the sure default port: 443 is available.

Kubernetes Agent Deployment guide by Cloud Platform

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on AWS EKS

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on Azure AKS

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on Google Cloud GKE

Deploy Kubernetes Agent Controller

After you pressed Add Kubernetes Cluster, the fcli command line tool needs to downloaded and executed on the Kuberentes cluster to deploy the Kubernetes agent. The purpose of deploying the agent is to give FortiCNP the capability to retrieve logs and provide security monitoring.

Click fcli for linux or fcli for mac to download the fcli command line tool.

If the fcli link does not work, use the following links to download and execute the file in Kubernetes cluster.

Operating System

FCLI Command Line Tool Download Link

Mac OS

Alternatively, you can also use wget command to download the file in Kubernetes cluster.

Port Requirement

Make sure the host: is not restricted to allow the Kubernetes agent to send data back to Container Protection.

There is no specific port required for Kubernetes agent, make the sure default port: 443 is available.

Kubernetes Agent Deployment guide by Cloud Platform

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on AWS EKS

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on Azure AKS

Deploy Kubernetes Agent on Google Cloud GKE