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File Collection

File Collection

Targeted files on cloud accounts can be added in file collection creation using Regex, and then can be applied to a policy configuration for monitoring.

Example on File Collection Creation

  1. Click on +Create New button in File Collection.
  2. In File Collection Name field, give a name for the file collection: "John-File".
  3. In File Path field, enter a Regex for the file path to be added: ".*".
  4. Click on Create New File Collection to finish creation the file collection.

File Collection

Targeted files on cloud accounts can be added in file collection creation using Regex, and then can be applied to a policy configuration for monitoring.

Example on File Collection Creation

  1. Click on +Create New button in File Collection.
  2. In File Collection Name field, give a name for the file collection: "John-File".
  3. In File Path field, enter a Regex for the file path to be added: ".*".
  4. Click on Create New File Collection to finish creation the file collection.