IPS sensor entry filters
When configuring IPS sensor profiles, IPS signatures can be filtered based on the attributes: default status, default action, vulnerability type, and the last update date. When monitoring the specific, filtered signatures, logs are not generated for other, irrelevant signatures.
This avoids generating a lot of false positives due to many signatures having the pass action, which is never logged.
To use the filters in an IPS sensor profile:
config ips sensor edit "test_default" config entries edit 1 set default-action pass set default-status enable set vuln-type 12 set last-modified before 2020/02/02 next end next end
default-action {pass | block | all} |
Filter by signatures' default actions (default = all). |
default-status {enable | disable | all} |
Filter by signatures' default statuses (default = all). |
vuln-type <integer> ... <integer> |
Filter by signatures' vulnerability types. |
last-modified {before | after | between} <date> [end-date] |
Filter by signatures' last modified date (default = before 00/00/00). The date format is |
When the IPS profile is used in a firewall profile and then the EICAR virus test file signature is triggered, the signature matches the values set in the filter and logs are generated:
1:date=2022-02-15 time=14:07:03 eventtime=1644962823303491048 tz="-0800" logid="0419016384" type="utm" subtype="ips" eventtype="signature" level="alert" vd="vd1" severity="info" srcip= srccountry="Reserved" dstip= dstcountry="Reserved" srcintf="port38" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port37" dstintfrole="undefined" sessionid=1171 action="detected" proto=6 service="HTTP" policyid=1 poluuid="623d2d28-8ea7-51ec-00ef-7549685a77c2" policytype="policy" attack="Eicar.Virus.Test.File" srcport=47230 dstport=80 hostname="" url="/virus/eicar" direction="incoming" attackid=29844 profile="test_default" ref="http://www.fortinet.com/ids/VID29844" incidentserialno=103809025 msg="file_transfer: Eicar.Virus.Test.File"
# get ips rule status | grep Eicar.Virus.Test.File -A 18 rule-name: "Eicar.Virus.Test.File" rule-id: 29844 rev: 10.111 date: 1491926400 action: pass status: enable log: disable log-packet: disable severity: 0.info service: TCP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP location: server, client os: All application: Other rate-count: 0 rate-duration: 0 rate-track: none rate-mode: continuous vuln_type: Anomaly