Dashboard tab
The Dashboard tab reports key information in widgets to inform you about SaaS app usage, including:
- The number of apps that have been added to the inventory.
- The number of users that have accessed apps.
- The number of apps that have not been accessed within the past 90 days.
- Apps that have a high number of new entities which have accessed them, including whether there has been an increase or decrease in the number of entities over the previous 14 days, compared to the number of new entities between the previous 28 and 14 days.
- Apps that have a large amount of file uploads and/or downloads. The number of and combined size of the files is reported.
- Apps ordered by risk score severity.
Additionally, the "SaaS app usage trend" graph illustrates the number of SaaS apps used during the selected time range and the previously selected time range. Further, the "SaaS apps by verdict" chart shows the proportion of apps that are sanctioned, unsanctioned, in review, or not set.
For more information, see Viewing the SaaS app dashboard.