Multiple concurrent SDN connectors
You can configure multiple instances configured for every SDN connector. The specific connector instance must be specified when creating a dynamic firewall address.
This topic provides examples of how to create two Microsoft Azure SDN connectors and use them in new dynamic firewall addresses.
To create and use two new SDN connectors with the CLI:
- Create two new SDN connectors:
config system sdn-connector edit "azure1" set type azure set tenant-id "942b80cd-bbbb-42a1-8888-4b21dece61ba" set subscription-id "2f96c44c-cccc-4621-bbbb-65ba45185e0c" set client-id "14dbd5cc-3333-4ea4-8888-68738141feb1" set client-secret xxxxx set update-interval 30 next edit "azure2" set type azure set tenant-id "942b80cd-bbbb-42a1-8888-4b21dece61ba" set client-id "3baa0acc-ffff-4444-b292-0777a2c36be6" set client-secret xxxxx set update-interval 30 next end
- Create new dynamic firewall addresses that use the new connectors:
config firewall address edit "azure-address-location1" set type dynamic set color 2 set sdn azure1 set filter "location=WestUs" next edit "azure-address-location2" set type dynamic set color 2 set sdn azure2 set filter "location=NorthEurope" next end
To create and use two new SDN connectors with the GUI:
- Create two new SDN connectors:
- Go to Security Fabric > External Connectors, and click Create New in the toolbar.
- Click on Microsoft Azure.
- Fill in the required information, then click OK.
- Repeat the above steps for the second connector.
Two Microsoft Azure connectors will now be created.
- Create new dynamic firewall addresses that use the new connectors:
- Go to Policy and Objects > Addresses and click Create New > Address in the toolbar.
- Enter a name for the address, and select Fabric Connector Address for the Type.
- Select one of the previously created SDN connectors from the SDN Connector drop down list.
- Configure the rest of the required information, then click OK to create the address.
- Repeat the above steps to create the second address, selecting the other Microsoft Azure SDN connector.