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Session-Aware Load Balancing Cluster Guide


diagnose system flash list

diagnose system flash list

Displays information about the FortiController flash partitions including the firmware version on each partition.

diagnose system flash list
ImageName     Version                       TotalSize(KB) Used(KB)   Use%   BootImage RunningImage
primary       FT513B-5MR0-b0024-140815-P0    253871       27438      11%    Yes        Yes
secondary     FT513B-5MR0-b0024-140827-int   253871       27640      11%    No         No

diagnose system flash list

diagnose system flash list

Displays information about the FortiController flash partitions including the firmware version on each partition.

diagnose system flash list
ImageName     Version                       TotalSize(KB) Used(KB)   Use%   BootImage RunningImage
primary       FT513B-5MR0-b0024-140815-P0    253871       27438      11%    Yes        Yes
secondary     FT513B-5MR0-b0024-140827-int   253871       27640      11%    No         No