FortiPAM 1.4.0
The following list contains new and expanded features added in FortiPAM 1.4.0.
1001227- Distributed network gateway architecture Reverse mode
The reverse gateway feature extends the distributed architecture functionality.
The introduction of Gateway allows accessibility from a FortiPAM located in a public network to a private enterprise network.
Gateway introduced forward type network gateway, i.e., the connection is from FortiPAM to the network gateway and then to the target. This type of in-bound connection can be blocked by an edge or internal firewall and FortiPAM cannot reach the target via the gateway.
To resolve this deployment restriction, FortiPAM supports reverse gateway feature.
The FortiPAM can be reached from a reverse gateway and the reverse gateway makes the first connection to FortiPAM as the control plane connection. This is a persistent connection that uses health checks to detect connection issues and supports reconnection.
New Type option when creating a gateway that allows you to configure the gateway as forward or reverse type.
When the Type is reverse:
New Health Check options allows you to periodically check if the gateway is still alive.
Using the new Gateway ID option, you can specify the gateway client certificate common name to create a mapping between FortiPAM and the gateway.
A new Type column in Secrets > Gateway that tells you the type of the gateways available, i.e., forward or reverse.
For a reverse gateway, the status is shown on the top-right.
See Gateway.
994084- Access Target with associated secret credentials
Starting FortiPAM 1.4.0, you can now launch secrets using associated secret credentials not only on Linux and Cisco, but also Windows.
All launchers support launching one secret using another associated secret's credentials. This can be used to store common credential in one secret which can be used by multiple other secrets. This makes the information stored in a secret compact and flexible.
The credential information includes:
User name
Public key
Private key
The following new options were added when creating or editing a secret in Secrets > Secrets:
A new Launch with Associated Secret Credentials toggle when Associated Secret is enabled in the General pane. When the option is enabled, associated secret credential information is used for launching a secret. The credential information stored in the primary secret is not used.
You must ensure that all the required information is stored in the associated secret.
A new Auto-Switch Account option in the Service Setting pane when SSH Service is enabled and a Template is already selected. The option is only available when:
SSH Service is enabled, i.e., it will only work with SSH launchers.
Launch with Associated Secret Credentials is enabled in the General pane.
When the Auto-Switch Account option is enabled, upon launching the current secret, the secret uses the associated secret (if applicable) and automatically switches to the current account.
When the Auto-Switch Account option is disabled, secret launching finishes in the account stored in the associated secret since the credential information was received from the associated secret.
Additionally, Connect over SSH with option has been removed.
Note that when both Launch with Associated Secret Credentials and Auto-Switch Account options are enabled, the same functionality is offered as with the Connect over SSH with an associated secret. Launching a secret uses the associated secret credential information to log in and switch to the account stored in the primary secret.
If both Launch with Associated Secret Credentials and Auto-Switch Account are disabled, the same functionality is offered as with the Connect over SSH with itself option. Launching a secret only uses the primary secret for launching. Here, the associated secret provides password for the primary secret without a password, e.g., an SSH secret with keys or a secret with SSH Auto-Password enabled and using password changing.
See Creating a secret.
Also see Connect over SSH and Use cases for associated secrets.
1004629- Customize maximum credential history in a template
A new Max Record of Credential History field when configuring a template in Secret Settings > Templates.
In the new Max Record of Credential History field, you can set up the maximum number of credential history to be kept in the database.
See Creating secret templates.
1000861- Session Monitor refactor based on launch
Starting FortiPAM 1.4.0, the active session monitor is replaced with active launch monitor. One entry represents one launch instead of one session.
Multiple sessions may be made during a single launch. Some launch may still appear in the list even though the launch session is closed.
When the source port is port 0
, no active TCP connection is attached to the launch.
The Disconnect button allows the administrator to terminate a secret launch session. The session attached to the launch is broken.
Two new CLI commands have been added for launch monitor and management.
You can now use the following CLI command to list all the active launches:
diagnose wad token list
You can use the following CLI command to delete already added launches:
diagnose wad token clear <token_id>
The |
If no |
By deleting active launches, sessions associated with all the launches are broken. |
The video connection remains intact until the window is closed. |
1020348- Warnings for duplicating credentials
Starting FortiPAM 1.4.0, you now receive a secret duplication warning when you create or edit a secret with target address and user name of an existing secret.
This helps avoid password conflicts. If there are duplicate secrets (the same target address and user name) and one secret password is changed, the other secret may not launch as the target password has already been updated.
See Secrets.
968129, 1006370- Secret service permission
The introduction of launcher permission in secret allows you to customize user with access to only certain types of launchers. This protects some launchers that are more sensetive.
When creating a secret in Secrets > Secrets:
The previously available Secret Setting pane in General is now available as a separate Secret Setting tab.
The ZTNA settings in the Permission tab are now available as a separate ZTNA pane.
The User Permission/Group Permission table in the Permission tab is now available with a new look as a separate pane in the Permission tab.
See Creating a secret.
When creating a folder in Secrets > Personal Folder/Public Folder:
The ZTNA settings in the Permission tab are now available as a separate ZTNA pane.
The User Permission/Group Permission table in the Permission tab is now available with a new look as a separate pane in the Permission tab.
See Creating a folder.
When creating a secret template in Secret Settings > Templates:
The table listing fields is available with a new look.
The table listing launchers is available with a new look.
The Access option in the Permission tab has been renamed to Accessibility.
User Permission/Group Permission in the Permission tab have been replaced with Create Secret and Owner options.
From the dropdown, you can assign the Create Secret and Owner permissions to user and user groups.
See Creating secret templates.
When creating a target in Secrets > Targets:
The Access option in the Permission tab has been renamed to Accessibility.
User Permission/Group Permission in the Permission tab have been replaced with Create Secret and Owner options.
From the dropdown, you can assign the Create Secret and Owner permissions to user and user groups.
See Creating a target.
1018981- Three new default SQL templates: Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
FortiPAM now includes the following three new SQL secret templates:
Microsoft SQL
This solves the issue of having only one database template entry by creating three new SQL secret database template types from the Database Server default template. You can now create more precise database secrets for each specific type.
See Templates.
971240- Display full folder path
FortiPAM now displays the path to the folder at the top.
You can see the full path of the current folder and jump to a parent folder by clicking the parent folder from the folder path.
Click the predecessor folder from the path breadcrumb to go to the predecessor folder.
Also, the following new GUI changes were introduced:
The Go back up one level in the tree option has been removed.
The Open Tree option is renamed to Tree.
1021461- Support website login with 2FA(TOTP) and more exact auto filling for web extension
When you launch a secret with web launcher, the extension automatically inputs user name and password to log in to the target website.
However, the web launching feature has the following three limitations:
When launching to some special website, the extension cannot find the user name or the password field correctly using its predefined key.
After logging in to a website, the extension tries to fill user name or password into an unrelated field.
The extension can only fill in user name, password, but 2FA Token is not supported.
In FortiPAM 1.4.0, the web launching feature has been improved with the introduction of auto web filler.
When using a secret template that uses Web Launcher as the secret launcher, a new Web Filler tab allows you to configure advanced web filler settings, so that extension can locate the correct web elements to patch credential information into.
The following options are available:
Authentication path: The extension checks the URL it visits against the authentication path and applies the configured setting if it is a match. The authentication path can only be part of the desired URL.
For example,
can be added instead of
to allow matching on various sites.
Field: Represents the field from the secret to be patched to the element located by the selector.
Web Element Selector: Represents the selector for the element in HTML. This can be located with the inspect mode.
Override Path: Represents if the path should be searched for the selector instead of the authentication path.
Mask: Represents if there is a mask for the value to be filled in.
Token: The token from the secret is patched to the element located by the selector.
Attribute: The token value.
Web Element Selector: Represents the selector for the element in HTML. This can be located with the inspect mode.
Override Path: Represents if the path should be searched for the selector instead of the authentication path.
Mask: Represents if there is a mask for the value to be filled in.
Also, more secret fields can be sent to the extension and auto filled during the login process as long as the token is used for 2FA.
The feature needs Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome extension V3. |
See Creating secret templates.
963791- FortiGate web password change
A new FortiProduct (Web) default template available in Secret Settings > Templates for web based products, e.g., FortiGate and FortiProxy.
See Templates.
The FortiProduct (Web) default template includes a new Web API (Product) password changer.
See Password changers.
See Configuring a web FortiProduct secret Example.
959751- Block copy for web based launching
A new Block Clipboard option in the Secret Setting tab when creating/editing a secret in Secrets > Secrets and when creating/editing a secret policy in Secret Settings > Policies.
When enabled, for the following launchers, you cannot copy content from the launched secret web page:
Web Launcher
Web Telnet
When enabled, copying content from the remote computer to the local computer is blocked for the following launchers, but does not affect copy/paste on the remote computer itself:
Native RDP
Note that the previously available Block RDP Clipboard option in the Service Setting tab when creating/editing a secret and in the New Secret Policy/Edit Secret Policy window when creating/editing a secret policy in Secret Settings > Policies has been removed.
The feature needs Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome extension V3. |
See Creating a secret and Creating a policy.
959751- Support Ctrl+C/V
for Web RDP session
Starting FortiPAM 1.4.0, you can use copy/paste keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + c
/ Ctrl + v
) without the need to first press F8
The |
Right-click to copy/paste is not yet supported on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers. |
The feature needs Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome extension V3. |
See Launchers.
1002904- Secure certificates as secrets
A new default Certificate Vault template is introduced in FortiPAM 1.4.0.
With the new default template Certificate Vault, you can store certificate with or without corresponding private key and passphrase in FortiPAM. The validity of this certificate will be monitored by FortiPAM.
See Templates.
Using the new Certificate Vault template, you can create secrets to store certificates in Secrets > Secrets.
The following new options are available when creating a secret using the Certificate Vault template:
Certificate field.
Log Expiring Certificate option in the Secret Setting tab: Enabling the option generates a log for an expiring certificate.
Disabling Log Expiring Certificate stops the generation of log entries for an expiring certificate.
In addition, email alerts for expiring certificates are stopped if you disable this option.
See Creating a secret.
A new Certificate tab in Log & Report > Email Alert Settings.
Using the new Certificate tab, you can now set email alerts for expiring certificates.
See Email alert settings.
890941- SSH filter Allow mode
In addition to the legacy (Deny) mode, an Allow mode has been added to accept certain commands and deny the rest.
The new Allow mode permits you to configure SSH profiles that will only allow certain SSH pattern commands to be executed while blocking other commands.
The SSH Filter Profiles in Secret Settings now include the following enhancements:
- Two new modes: Deny/Allow
In Deny mode, the SSH command patterns configured in the SSH filter profile cannot be used. This means that these commands cannot be executed.
In Allow mode, the SSH command patterns configured in the SSH filter profile can be used. This means that these commands can be executed while other commands will be blocked by FortiPAM.
- New Log All Unlisted Commands option.
- When in Allow mode, the following commands are available:
Show Allowed List Command: Customize command that will list all the commands under allowlist anytime.
Shortcut To Run Listed Commands: Shortcut to quickly run commands within the allowlist, the shortcut is the number within the list shown by Show Allowed List Command option.
pattern type applicable to both Deny and Allow mode.This type of pattern will be exact matched on the SSH filter profile.
1022441- Ansible lookup plugin integration
For API users with an authentication token, the user gets an exact result with secret ID. Additionally, with the credential_only
option, you can retrieve credential information for the secret without returning the complete secret information.
The Ansible integration enables user to retrieve secret with ansible playbook, and the secret information obtained through Ansible lookup helps the user to locate the desired secret information.
See FPAM Ansible Lookup Plugin to install and use FortiPAM Ansible plugin.
964436- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) monitoring and logging
When editing a secret target that uses Microsoft SQL as the default template, you can enable logging on the SQL server, set the maximum log entry size, and monitor all or a specific database using the new SQL Log tab.
See Creating a target.
1044016- Launcher button refactor
When you open a secret, launchers are now available on the top, listed as icons.
See Creating a secret and Launching a secret.
When you open a secret that requires check out, the Check-out Secret option is now replaced with the Check-out () icon.
When you open a secret to check it in, the Check-in Secret option is now replaced with the Check-in () icon.
When you open a secret, the Change Password option is now available under More options.
See Change password.
When you open a secret, the Verify Password option has been replaced with the Verify () icon.
See Verify password.
When you open a secret, the Add/Remove Favorite option is available under More options.
When you open a secret that requires you to make a secret access request, the Make Request option is now replaced with the Request () icon.
See Make a request.
1027089, 971921, 1023868- Display privileged account for a target
When setting up a secret as a privileged account for a target, a new tooltip tells you if the target already has a secret set as privileged account. In that case, you cannot set the secret as a privileged account for the target.
See Creating a secret.
When editing a secret target:
You can see if the target already has a privileged account set up in the Privileged Account field.
A new Secret List tab lists all the secrets associated with this target.
See Creating a target.
The Host column in Secrets > Targets has been renamed to Target Address.
See Targets.
990047- Print the system time on videos
A new Video Time Watermark option in the Advanced pane in System > Settings. The option allows you to add a watermark to the secret videos with time and timezone information.
See Settings.
A new video-time-burn
global variable in secret setting
allows you to include time and timezone information in secret videos.
- The feature is unavailable when you use the Fortinet Privileged Access Agent extension only.
- The feature is unavailable when you set up secrets using the Web Account template.
901040- Approve secret request from email
A new approval link added to the secret approval request email. The approver can use the link to approve or deny the secret access request from the email directly.
To support this, when creating/editing an approval profile in Secret Settings > Approval Profile, a new Approval Link Expiry Time option allows you to set the expiry time for the approve/deny link in the secret approval request email.
Note that the expiry time count starts when the email is sent.
See Create an approval profile.
1006338- Support ticket number in secret request
You can now create custom fields for an approval profile in Secret Settings > Approval Profile.
A new Approval Email Customization pane when creating or editing an approval profile.
The custom fields capture additional information necessary for the approval process tailored to the specific needs of your organization.
The custom fields are of two types, text/number.
The Customized Email Template option has been renamed to Email Template.
See Create an approval profile.
When a user makes a request to launch a secret where an approval profile with custom fields is used, they must specify the required custom fields in the Fields pane in the New secret request window.
See Make a request.
See Configuring and accessing a secret that uses an approval profile with custom fields Example.
1051104- WebTelnet in Secret Service Setting
FortiPAM now supports setting up web Telnet Service in the Service Setting tab when creating or editing a secret.
See Creating a secret.
1042899- Windows application filter
Windows application filter is used in Windows server and provides the ability to deny users from installing applications, running certain applications and/or running certain scripts.
Denial is based on directories and usually all executables, scripts, or installers from those directories cannot run.
Exceptions can be added to provide flexibility.
Filters are based on secrets, and different secrets usually have independent filters.
You can add a Windows application filter profile and apply a certain profile to a secret to enable this feature on that secret. FortiPAM generates and maintains a set of application deny rules/filters for that secret.
When a Windows application filter is applied to a secret under a target, a new Windows Application Filter tab appears while editing the secret target.
In the new tab, you can see accounts in the secret target, filters applied to accounts, and settings to deactivate/delete all filters.
- The host server operates on Windows.
- WinRM is enabled on the host server.
In FortiPAM, the host server is referred to as "target."
The target has a privileged account for WinRM access on the host server.
- All secrets whose server information is “Windows” under this target, except for the privileged account, can be used to enable the Windows application filter.
1025126- User schedule based secret launch
A user configured with a schedule, i.e., the user can log in to FortiPAM depending on its schedule only, will have its launching session terminated when the user session exceeds the time set up in the schedule associated with the user.
A new Terminate Launching Session option available when configuring a schedule in User Management > Schedule.
See Schedule.
970315- Secret import enhancement
To encourage managing secrets through targets, we now help find existing targets by matching fields— address, domain, or URL.
If non-matching fields are present, the import is considered a duplicate and will not proceed. Otherwise, a new target will be created.
If the secret upload template includes any of the following mandatory fields: Host, Domain, or URL, the corresponding target is modified or created (if applicable).
The new target is created with the naming convention: import_(Host/Domain/URL)
The failure to create a target results in the failure to create the corresponding secret.
When importing a secret, FortiPAM first scans if a corresponding target exists by matching Host, URL, and Domain.
If there is a match, FortiPAM chooses the matched target for the secret and creates the secret.
If there is no match, FortiPAM creates a new target automatically first and the target name is import_[Host/Domain/URL]
. The secret is then created based on the newly created target.
See Uploading secrets using the secret upload template.
936798- Group creation time
A new Creation Time column in the following tabs in User Management:
User Groups
Sponsored Groups
The Creation Time column displays the date and time when a user group or a sponsored group was created.
See User groups and Sponsored groups.
802577- Support single login anytime anywhere
By default, a user account may be used to log in concurrently from multiple locations. For enhanced security, this setting can be disabled by disabling Concurrent Log-on in the Other General Setting pane in System > Settings. When you disable the setting, only one session is allowed per user.
See Settings.
Alternatively, in the CLI console, enter the following commands to disable concurrent login.
config system global set admin-concurrent disable end
When an admin concurrent session is disabled:
Additional concurrent admin sessions are blocked while an admin session is active (default)
FortiPAM automatically terminates any previous sessions when the admin opens a new session.
This behavior can be be changed when the admin-concurrent
variable is disabled, allowing you to either block additional sessions or terminate (kick out) previous sessions when a new session is opened:
config system global set admin-concurrent disable set admin-new-login-action {block | kick-out} # default = block end
Alternatively, use the New Log-in Action option when Concurrent Log-on is disabled in System > Settings to:
Block additional concurrent admin sessions while an admin session is active (default).
Terminate any previous sessions when the admin opens a new session.
See Settings and Concurrent user sessions.
987628- Automatically backup in-use configuration before restoring a new configuration
FortiPAM automatically backs up the in-use configuration file before restoring a new one to avoid any data loss, e.g., when a wrong password is stored and the encrypted disk fails to open.
See Backup and restore.
985502- Protect sensitive data with AES256
Starting FortiPAM 1.4.0, AES 256 cryptographic algorithm is used to protect passwords and keys.
902084- FTP support for video/log backup/restore
FortiPAM now supports backing up and restoring video and log files from a remote FTP server.
This displays videos and logs correctly when you want to replace the disks for video and log files.
See Backing up/restoring log and video files using FTP CLI.
923465- Add filters to the report layout
By using filters, you can now only keep relevant information in the report. The Add Filter dropdown shows available filter types for a table.
This helps you filter reports to only keep information that are relevant to you, e.g., secret name, folder, user, etc.
You can add the same or different filters multiple times.
Note that using the same filter generates union (or) results while different filters generate intersection (and) results.
When customizing a report layout in Log & Report > Reports > General, you can add filters for the following tables:
User Login
Top Failure By Reason
Secret Launch:
Top Success By Secret
Top Success By Secret and User
Password Change
Top Success By Secret
Top Success By Secret and User
Top Failure By Secret
Top Failure By Secret and Reason
Top Failure By Secret, User and Reason
Password Verification
Top Success By Secret
Top Success by Secret and User
Top Failure By Secret
Top Failure By Secret and Reason
Top Failure By Secret, User and Reason
Clear Text View
Top View By Secret
Top View By Secret and User
See Layout & schedule.
949150, 989148, 842754, 901038, 935932- Network Interface GUI refactor
In Network > Interfaces:
A new Explicit Web Proxy column is available.
The Administrative Access column has been renamed to Access.
See Interfaces.
Editing an interface has now been simplified.
A new Service Access Setting pane is available when editing an interface.
The ZTNA tab options previously available in Settings are now available when editing an interface.
You can configure ZTNA (firewall policy, access proxy, and VIP) when editing and interface.
Due to the complexity of the ZTNA concept, related settings are available when to GUI Portal is enabled while editing an interface.
You can enable the GUI Portal toggle to provide external access to FortiPAM. The external access IP can be set in External IP. There are two modes for the external IP:
Sync with Interface IP: Under this mode, the external IP address reflects the interface IP address after saving.
Note: To use Sync with Interface IP,
must be configured to a specific interface in the CLI (notany
). -
Customize: Under this mode, you can set a customized external IP address.
The default setting is Sync with Interface IP.
The service port for external access is on the external IP, with the default port being 443
. The SSL certificate ensures secure authentication access to FortiPAM, with Fortinet_SSL
as the default certificate.
ZTNA Control restricts access to endpoints with matching ZTNA tags. You can select the validation methods and tags from ZTNA Tag Validation and ZTNA Tags.
Each interface can have more than one matched external access GUI Portal configuration, but the FortiPAM GUI displays the best matched configuration on GUI including its VIP.
If the current interface does not have a matched access portal, you can also create a new access portal on the interface page.
See Editing an interface.
Additionally, you cannot edit a proxy rule in the GUI anymore.
See ZTNA tags.
1019879- Show error on the GUI when there is log/video disk failure
The following two types of warning messages are available in the notifications dropdown in the FortiPAM banner on the top-right:
- When one of the log/video disks or both log and video disks are not mounted properly, the disk is not available, and a warning appears.
- When the log/video disk encryption status does not match the global disk encryption configuration, then the disk encryption format not matching warning appears.
When you click the warning message, you are sent to the Log & Report > Disk Usage page for more details on the warnings.
You can click the suggested CLI commands to see more disk status information and suggested solutions.
You must resolve these warnings before performing any task on FortiPAM.
The following lists all the possible warning messages:
Disk not available:
Both the log disk and the video disk are not available
.The log disk is not available
.The video disk is not available
Disk encryption is not matching:
Disk encryption is enabled but none is in encryption format
.Disk encryption is enabled but the log disk is not in encryption format
.Disk encryption is enabled but the video disk is not in encryption format
.Disk encryption is disabled but both are in encryption format
.Disk encryption is disabled but the log disk is in encryption format
.Disk encryption is disabled but the video disk is in encryption format
See Disk usage.
1004932- ACME/LE certificate support
You can now use Let's Encrypt and the ACME protocol to automate certificate creation and maintenance.
1014580- Automation stitch for email notifications
Using the new Automation tab in Log & Report, you can monitor secret activities and system events.
Nine default stitches can be used by enabling and adding your email to action.
You can customize stitches by specifying events and email receivers.
You can add triggers and actions to automation stitches.
See Automation.
885473- FortiToken Cloud trial support
A one-time 30-day trial FortiToken Cloud license is provided for users to try out the FortiToken Cloud 2FA method.
When creating a user in User Management > User List with FortiToken Cloud selected in Two-Factor Authentication, you can see the FortiToken Cloud license status.
Use the Activate free trial option to activate free trial licenses from FortiGuard.
When you go to System > FortiGuard License, a new entitlement FortiToken Cloud is available.
Select Activate free trial to activate the free trial with 5 FortiToken Cloud tokens.
The trial license is available for 30 days only. This information is displayed in System > FortiGuard License and when editing the user.
When in trial or when the license has expired, select Upgrade to see instructions on how to add a valid license. The option is available in System > FortiGuard License and when editing the user.
When the license has expired, you cannot use FortiToken Cloud. FortiToken Cloud License then displays No active license status when creating/editing the user.
FortiToken Cloud entitlement is marked Expired in System > FortiGuard License.
See Creating a user and FortiGuard license.
1037451, 1052825- Security status on GUI
FortiPAM now displays private data, vTPM, and log/video disk encryption status in the banner and in System > Settings.
See FortiPAM with TPM, Settings, and Configuring log and video disk encryption.
868067- Log/video disk stats
A new Disk Usage tab in Log & Report that displays log and video disk usage as charts.
See Disk usage.