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Creating a target with server information as Windows

Creating a target with server information as Windows

To create the target:
  1. Go to Secrets > Targets and select +Create.
  2. In Name, enter a name for the target.
  3. In Classification Tag, select Other.
  4. In Default Template, select a secret template with server information set to Windows, e.g., Windows Domain Account.
  5. In Domain-Controller, enter the IP address of the server.
  6. In Domain, enter the domain of the server.
  7. In Advanced Setting, enable WinRM HTTPS for advanced security.
  8. Click Submit.

The above target can be created in the CLI using the following commands CLI:

 config secret target
  edit "Demo - Windows Server" 
   set class "Other"	
   set template "Windows Domain Account"
   set address ""
   set domain ""	
   set user-naming-attribute "sAMAccountName"
   set user-base ''		
   set description ''			
   set ldaps-min-ssl-version default 
   set ldaps-port 636
   set winrm-https enable
   set access everyone
   set web-proxy-status disable 

Creating a target with server information as Windows

Creating a target with server information as Windows

To create the target:
  1. Go to Secrets > Targets and select +Create.
  2. In Name, enter a name for the target.
  3. In Classification Tag, select Other.
  4. In Default Template, select a secret template with server information set to Windows, e.g., Windows Domain Account.
  5. In Domain-Controller, enter the IP address of the server.
  6. In Domain, enter the domain of the server.
  7. In Advanced Setting, enable WinRM HTTPS for advanced security.
  8. Click Submit.

The above target can be created in the CLI using the following commands CLI:

 config secret target
  edit "Demo - Windows Server" 
   set class "Other"	
   set template "Windows Domain Account"
   set address ""
   set domain ""	
   set user-naming-attribute "sAMAccountName"
   set user-base ''		
   set description ''			
   set ldaps-min-ssl-version default 
   set ldaps-port 636
   set winrm-https enable
   set access everyone
   set web-proxy-status disable 