Creating a target with server information as Windows
To create the target:
- Go to Secrets > Targets and select +Create.
- In Name, enter a name for the target.
- In Classification Tag, select Other.
- In Default Template, select a secret template with server information set to Windows, e.g., Windows Domain Account.
- In Domain-Controller, enter the IP address of the server.
- In Domain, enter the domain of the server.
- In Advanced Setting, enable WinRM HTTPS for advanced security.
- Click Submit.
The above target can be created in the CLI using the following commands CLI:
config secret target edit "Demo - Windows Server" set class "Other" set template "Windows Domain Account" set address "" set domain "" set user-naming-attribute "sAMAccountName" set user-base '' set description '' set ldaps-min-ssl-version default set ldaps-port 636 set winrm-https enable set access everyone set web-proxy-status disable next end