Checking out a secret
Since the secret has Requires Checkout enabled, you cannot directly launch the secret without first checking it out. The Launch Secret option is unavailable till you first check out the secret. |
- In Secrets > Secret List, select the newly created secret, and select Check-out Secret.
If the check out is successful, the following message appears on the bottom-right:
- Double-click the secret to open it and select Launch Secret from the top-right to launch the secret.
In Secret Details, Check-out Secret option on the top-right is replaced with Check-in Secret once the secret has been checked out.
In Secret Details, the Checkout Status pane on the right displays the current owner of the secret and the duration until they have access to it.
- In Launch Progress, select PuTTY to gain access to the Linux server.
PuTTY is launched. You can now access the Linux server.
For other users who attempt to use the secret while it is checked out, they see a message indicating that someone else has checked out the secret, and the secret will only be available once it is checked in.