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Launching the secret

Launching the secret

Launching the secret:
  1. Go to Secrets > Secrets.
  2. From the list double-click to open the secret created in Creating a non-privileged account.

  3. From the top, select either Web RDP or Remote Desktop - Windows.

    The Launch Progress dialog opens.

  4. Select Launch.
  5. Verify the Windows application filter functionality by executing the blocked executables and scripts:
    1. Open Powershell.

    2. Open MS Paint.

    3. Run scripts on the desktop.

    4. Run the installer not permitted in the directories.

Launching the secret

Launching the secret

Launching the secret:
  1. Go to Secrets > Secrets.
  2. From the list double-click to open the secret created in Creating a non-privileged account.

  3. From the top, select either Web RDP or Remote Desktop - Windows.

    The Launch Progress dialog opens.

  4. Select Launch.
  5. Verify the Windows application filter functionality by executing the blocked executables and scripts:
    1. Open Powershell.

    2. Open MS Paint.

    3. Run scripts on the desktop.

    4. Run the installer not permitted in the directories.