Add OpenShift Registry
- From the Container protection navigation menu, go to CONFIGURE > Registry.
- Click +ADD NEW drop down menu and select Openshift Container Registry.
- Enter the Openshift Container Registry url following these two options.
- If the registry is publicly accessible, enter
- If the registry is private and not open to public, enter https://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000
- Enter the name of the Repository to be added from Openshift Container Registry. This can be obtained through calling the API Get method: /v2/catalog with the registry url.
- In Tag, specify one tag or use Regex. Leave it as blank to scan all images.
- In Cap, enter the maximum number of images to be imported.
- Click on +Add New Repository to add more repositories.
- Click the Select Openshift User drop down menu to select the Openshift user added in the Credential store.
- Click the Sacn Images in the following Kubernetes Cluster drop down menu to select a Kubernetes Cluster with Healthy status.
- Enter an unique Registry Name that will be shown in Container Protection.
- Click Add Registry to complete adding Openshift registry.
For example, if you specify 5, only the 5 latest images will be added.