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Add OpenShift Registry

Add OpenShift Registry

  1. From the Container protection navigation menu, go to CONFIGURE > Registry.
  2. Click +ADD NEW drop down menu and select Openshift Container Registry.
  3. Enter the Openshift Container Registry url following these two options.
    1. If the registry is publicly accessible, enter
    2. If the registry is private and not open to public, enter https://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000
  4. Enter the name of the Repository to be added from Openshift Container Registry. This can be obtained through calling the API Get method: /v2/catalog with the registry url.
  5. In Tag, specify one tag or use Regex. Leave it as blank to scan all images.
  6. In Cap, enter the maximum number of images to be imported.
  7. For example, if you specify 5, only the 5 latest images will be added.

  8. Click on +Add New Repository to add more repositories.
  9. Click the Select Openshift User drop down menu to select the Openshift user added in the Credential store.
  10. Click the Sacn Images in the following Kubernetes Cluster drop down menu to select the Openshift Kubernetes Cluster.
  11. Click Add Registry to complete adding Openshift registry.

Add OpenShift Registry

Add OpenShift Registry

  1. From the Container protection navigation menu, go to CONFIGURE > Registry.
  2. Click +ADD NEW drop down menu and select Openshift Container Registry.
  3. Enter the Openshift Container Registry url following these two options.
    1. If the registry is publicly accessible, enter
    2. If the registry is private and not open to public, enter https://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000
  4. Enter the name of the Repository to be added from Openshift Container Registry. This can be obtained through calling the API Get method: /v2/catalog with the registry url.
  5. In Tag, specify one tag or use Regex. Leave it as blank to scan all images.
  6. In Cap, enter the maximum number of images to be imported.
  7. For example, if you specify 5, only the 5 latest images will be added.

  8. Click on +Add New Repository to add more repositories.
  9. Click the Select Openshift User drop down menu to select the Openshift user added in the Credential store.
  10. Click the Sacn Images in the following Kubernetes Cluster drop down menu to select the Openshift Kubernetes Cluster.
  11. Click Add Registry to complete adding Openshift registry.