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Alcatel-Lucent Conversion result

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Alcatel-Lucent Conversion result



Conversion Summary

It provides statistics about the conversion.

VDOM Information

It shows how VDMS were mapped from the source device to the new device.

Interface Mapping

It shows how interfaces were mapped for each VDOM from the source device.

Device Summary

It provides statistics about the detected objects.


FortiConverter includes error and warning messages into the conversion when an error occurs.

Review the config-all.txt file after each conversion for errors. These errors and warning messages might cause the import process to fail, if not corrected. See Error Messages for more details.

Alcatel-Lucent Conversion result



Conversion Summary

It provides statistics about the conversion.

VDOM Information

It shows how VDMS were mapped from the source device to the new device.

Interface Mapping

It shows how interfaces were mapped for each VDOM from the source device.

Device Summary

It provides statistics about the detected objects.


FortiConverter includes error and warning messages into the conversion when an error occurs.

Review the config-all.txt file after each conversion for errors. These errors and warning messages might cause the import process to fail, if not corrected. See Error Messages for more details.