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FortiWiFi and FortiAP Cookbook


WPA3 on FortiAP

WPA3 on FortiAP

WPA3 is supported by FortiGate devices running FortiOS 6.2.0 and later, and FortiAP-S and FortiAP-W2 device running 6.2.0 and later.

WPA3 Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE), Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), and Enterprise are supported, including OWE and SAE transition mode.

To configure WPA3 OWE:
  • WPA3 OWE only:

    Clients that support WPA3 can connect with this SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_owe"
            set ssid "80e_owe"
            set security owe
            set pmf enable
            set schedule "always"
  • WPA3 OWE Transition:

    Clients connect with normal OPEN or OWE depending on its capability. Clients which support WPA3 connect with OWS standard. Clients which cannot support WPA3 connect with Open SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_open"
            set ssid "80e_open"
            set security open
            set owe-transition enableset owe-transition-ssid "wpa3_open"
            set schedule "always"
        edit "wpa3_owe_tr"
            set ssid "wpa3_open"
            set broadcast-ssid disable
            set security owe
            set pmf enable
            set owe-transition enableset owe-transition-ssid "80e_open"
            set schedule "always"
To configure WPA3 SAE:
  • WPA3 SAE:

    Clients that support WPA3 can connect with this SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_sae"
            set ssid "80e_sae"
            set security wpa3-sae
            set pmf enable
            set schedule "always"
            set sae-password 12345678
  • WPA3 SAE Transition:

    There are two passwords in the SSID. If passphrase is used, the client connects with WPA2 PSK. If sae-password is used, the client connects with WPA3 SAE.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_sae-tr"
            set ssid "80e_sae-transition"
            set security wpa3-sae-transition
            set pmf optional
            set passphrase 11111111
            set schedule "always"
            set sae-password 22222222
To configure WPA3 Enterprise:

Using this option, you can select the auth type to use either RADIUS authentication or local user authentication.

config wireless-controller vap
    edit "80e_wpa3"
        set ssid "80e_wpa3"
        set security wpa3-enterprise
        set pmf enable
        set auth radius
        set radius-server "wifi-radius"
        set schedule "always"
    edit "80e_wpa3_user"
        set ssid "80e_wpa3_user"
        set security wpa3-enterprise
        set pmf enable
        set auth usergroup
        set usergroup "usergroup"
        set schedule "always"

WPA3 on FortiAP

WPA3 is supported by FortiGate devices running FortiOS 6.2.0 and later, and FortiAP-S and FortiAP-W2 device running 6.2.0 and later.

WPA3 Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE), Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), and Enterprise are supported, including OWE and SAE transition mode.

To configure WPA3 OWE:
  • WPA3 OWE only:

    Clients that support WPA3 can connect with this SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_owe"
            set ssid "80e_owe"
            set security owe
            set pmf enable
            set schedule "always"
  • WPA3 OWE Transition:

    Clients connect with normal OPEN or OWE depending on its capability. Clients which support WPA3 connect with OWS standard. Clients which cannot support WPA3 connect with Open SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_open"
            set ssid "80e_open"
            set security open
            set owe-transition enableset owe-transition-ssid "wpa3_open"
            set schedule "always"
        edit "wpa3_owe_tr"
            set ssid "wpa3_open"
            set broadcast-ssid disable
            set security owe
            set pmf enable
            set owe-transition enableset owe-transition-ssid "80e_open"
            set schedule "always"
To configure WPA3 SAE:
  • WPA3 SAE:

    Clients that support WPA3 can connect with this SSID.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_sae"
            set ssid "80e_sae"
            set security wpa3-sae
            set pmf enable
            set schedule "always"
            set sae-password 12345678
  • WPA3 SAE Transition:

    There are two passwords in the SSID. If passphrase is used, the client connects with WPA2 PSK. If sae-password is used, the client connects with WPA3 SAE.

    config wireless-controller vap
        edit "80e_sae-tr"
            set ssid "80e_sae-transition"
            set security wpa3-sae-transition
            set pmf optional
            set passphrase 11111111
            set schedule "always"
            set sae-password 22222222
To configure WPA3 Enterprise:

Using this option, you can select the auth type to use either RADIUS authentication or local user authentication.

config wireless-controller vap
    edit "80e_wpa3"
        set ssid "80e_wpa3"
        set security wpa3-enterprise
        set pmf enable
        set auth radius
        set radius-server "wifi-radius"
        set schedule "always"
    edit "80e_wpa3_user"
        set ssid "80e_wpa3_user"
        set security wpa3-enterprise
        set pmf enable
        set auth usergroup
        set usergroup "usergroup"
        set schedule "always"