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Viewing campaign statistics

Viewing campaign statistics

View a summary of the campaign details, as well as detailed response statistics. You can view the campaign statistics for active and archived campaigns.

To view the campaign statistics:
  1. Go to Campaigns. The campaign list is displayed.
  2. (Optional) Click the Archived tab. Campaigns are saved to the Archived tab after the campaign is completed.
  3. Click the campaign name. The Campaign - Details page is displayed.

Campaign Summary

The Campaign Summary monitor displays the Campaign Name, Campaign Mail Title, Email Schedule, Campaign Mail Sender, Track User Reply, Use Attachment and Clicking Behavior. If an attachment was used, the monitor displays Filename.

Campaign Name The name you entered when you created the campaign.

Campaign Status

Pending when a new campaign is created and is yet to be started or Failed if the campaign fails.


Displays the error due to which the campaign failed. You can use this information for troubleshooting purposes.

Campaign Mail Title The subject line of the email.

Scheduled At

Displays campaign schedule information including, time and date.

Email Schedule

Either All At Once or Random.

Campaign Mail Sender The email From address.

SMTP Gateway Server

The name and domain of the SMTP Gateway Server if one was used.

Track User Reply

Yes if email has no click or attachments but simulates an actual spear-phish to see which users respond and/or attach compromising information.

Use Attachment A PDF is attached to the email.
Clicking Behavior One of Landing Page, Preset or Only Redirect URL.
Landing Page Type System or Custom.
Landing Page Name The name entered in the Title field of the landing page.
Filename The name used for the attachment.

Training Topic Name

The training page name.

Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the campaign.

Campaign Timeline

The Campaign Timeline widget displays when the campaign was created, started and finished.

Campaign Status

The Campaign Status monitor displays the number of emails that were delivered and bounced.

The Campaign Status monitor displays the following information:


The number of emails sent to the user group.


The number of emails waiting to be sent.

Sent Error

The number of emails that bounced.

Campaign Preview

The Campaign Preview monitor displays a preview of the email that was distributed to users.

User Pass Rate

The User Pass Rate chart displays the pass rate as a pie chart. Hover over the chart to view the number of recipients who passed or failed.

Campaign Stats

The Campaign Stats monitor displays information about how the recipient interacted with the email. Hover over the chart to view the number of emails for each category.


The number of emails sent to the user group.

Sent Error

The number of emails that bounced.


The number of recipients who opened the email.

Link Clicked

The number of recipients who clicked the redirect link.


The number of recipients who entered information on the landing page.


FortiPhish does not save the data entered by the user in the landing page.


The number of recipients who reported the phishing email as suspicious.


The number of recipients who opened or executed the file attached in the phishing email.


FortiPhish will not be able to collect the Executed metric when the attached PDF is previewed in a reader that disables links for security purposes.


The number of recipients who replied to the email.

Campaign Training Stats

The Campaign Training Stats chart displays the number of recipients who completed and did not complete training for the campaign.

A recipient is counted as Training Complete after they acknowledge they have reviewed the information in the training web page. For information about On Click Training, see Creating campaigns.

User Profile

The User Profile monitor displays information about the device the recipient used to view the email. Hover over the cart to see the value for each category.

The User Profile monitor displays the followling information:


The operating system of the device.


The device hardware.


The browser the recipient used to view the email.

Recipient Stats

The Recipient Stats monitor displays the recipient statistics.

The Recipient Stats monitor displays the following information:

Email The user email address.

Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the recipient . An A indicates the user poses minimal risk and a F grade indicates the user poses the maximum risk to the organization.If the campaign is active, then the Risk Grade will be NA on the Dashboard and Monitoring pages.

User Group The user group the recipient belongs to.
Status Displays the recipient's response Sent, Pending, Opened, Clicked, Submitted, Reported, Executed and Training Complete/Training Incomplete.

Client IP

The recipient's IP address.


The recipient's country.

Report Speed

The recipient's response time.

  • Platinum: Under 30 seconds

  • Gold: Under 5 minutes

  • Silver: Under 30 minutes

  • Bronze: Under 59 minutes

An empty field indicates the recipient did not report the phish attempt.

To view the actual response time, hover over the medallion.


Click the View Timeline link to view the date and times of the recipient's actions.

Usergroup Stats

The Usergroup Stats displays group statics.

The Usergroup Stats displays the following information:

User Group The user group name.
Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the group. An A indicates the group poses minimal risk and a F grade indicates the group poses the maximum risk to the organization.

Sent The number of emails sent to the user group.
Sent Error The number of emails that bounced.
Opened The number of recipients who opened the email.
Link Clicked The number of recipients who clicked the redirect link.
Submitted The number of recipients who entered information on the landing page.
Reported The number of recipients who reported the phishing email as suspicious.


The number of recipients who replied to the email.

Training Complete

The number of recipients who have finished the training.

Training Incomplete

The number of recipients who have been enrolled but did not finish the training.

Viewing campaign statistics

View a summary of the campaign details, as well as detailed response statistics. You can view the campaign statistics for active and archived campaigns.

To view the campaign statistics:
  1. Go to Campaigns. The campaign list is displayed.
  2. (Optional) Click the Archived tab. Campaigns are saved to the Archived tab after the campaign is completed.
  3. Click the campaign name. The Campaign - Details page is displayed.

Campaign Summary

The Campaign Summary monitor displays the Campaign Name, Campaign Mail Title, Email Schedule, Campaign Mail Sender, Track User Reply, Use Attachment and Clicking Behavior. If an attachment was used, the monitor displays Filename.

Campaign Name The name you entered when you created the campaign.

Campaign Status

Pending when a new campaign is created and is yet to be started or Failed if the campaign fails.


Displays the error due to which the campaign failed. You can use this information for troubleshooting purposes.

Campaign Mail Title The subject line of the email.

Scheduled At

Displays campaign schedule information including, time and date.

Email Schedule

Either All At Once or Random.

Campaign Mail Sender The email From address.

SMTP Gateway Server

The name and domain of the SMTP Gateway Server if one was used.

Track User Reply

Yes if email has no click or attachments but simulates an actual spear-phish to see which users respond and/or attach compromising information.

Use Attachment A PDF is attached to the email.
Clicking Behavior One of Landing Page, Preset or Only Redirect URL.
Landing Page Type System or Custom.
Landing Page Name The name entered in the Title field of the landing page.
Filename The name used for the attachment.

Training Topic Name

The training page name.

Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the campaign.

Campaign Timeline

The Campaign Timeline widget displays when the campaign was created, started and finished.

Campaign Status

The Campaign Status monitor displays the number of emails that were delivered and bounced.

The Campaign Status monitor displays the following information:


The number of emails sent to the user group.


The number of emails waiting to be sent.

Sent Error

The number of emails that bounced.

Campaign Preview

The Campaign Preview monitor displays a preview of the email that was distributed to users.

User Pass Rate

The User Pass Rate chart displays the pass rate as a pie chart. Hover over the chart to view the number of recipients who passed or failed.

Campaign Stats

The Campaign Stats monitor displays information about how the recipient interacted with the email. Hover over the chart to view the number of emails for each category.


The number of emails sent to the user group.

Sent Error

The number of emails that bounced.


The number of recipients who opened the email.

Link Clicked

The number of recipients who clicked the redirect link.


The number of recipients who entered information on the landing page.


FortiPhish does not save the data entered by the user in the landing page.


The number of recipients who reported the phishing email as suspicious.


The number of recipients who opened or executed the file attached in the phishing email.


FortiPhish will not be able to collect the Executed metric when the attached PDF is previewed in a reader that disables links for security purposes.


The number of recipients who replied to the email.

Campaign Training Stats

The Campaign Training Stats chart displays the number of recipients who completed and did not complete training for the campaign.

A recipient is counted as Training Complete after they acknowledge they have reviewed the information in the training web page. For information about On Click Training, see Creating campaigns.

User Profile

The User Profile monitor displays information about the device the recipient used to view the email. Hover over the cart to see the value for each category.

The User Profile monitor displays the followling information:


The operating system of the device.


The device hardware.


The browser the recipient used to view the email.

Recipient Stats

The Recipient Stats monitor displays the recipient statistics.

The Recipient Stats monitor displays the following information:

Email The user email address.

Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the recipient . An A indicates the user poses minimal risk and a F grade indicates the user poses the maximum risk to the organization.If the campaign is active, then the Risk Grade will be NA on the Dashboard and Monitoring pages.

User Group The user group the recipient belongs to.
Status Displays the recipient's response Sent, Pending, Opened, Clicked, Submitted, Reported, Executed and Training Complete/Training Incomplete.

Client IP

The recipient's IP address.


The recipient's country.

Report Speed

The recipient's response time.

  • Platinum: Under 30 seconds

  • Gold: Under 5 minutes

  • Silver: Under 30 minutes

  • Bronze: Under 59 minutes

An empty field indicates the recipient did not report the phish attempt.

To view the actual response time, hover over the medallion.


Click the View Timeline link to view the date and times of the recipient's actions.

Usergroup Stats

The Usergroup Stats displays group statics.

The Usergroup Stats displays the following information:

User Group The user group name.
Risk Grade

The letter grade between A and F assigned to the group. An A indicates the group poses minimal risk and a F grade indicates the group poses the maximum risk to the organization.

Sent The number of emails sent to the user group.
Sent Error The number of emails that bounced.
Opened The number of recipients who opened the email.
Link Clicked The number of recipients who clicked the redirect link.
Submitted The number of recipients who entered information on the landing page.
Reported The number of recipients who reported the phishing email as suspicious.


The number of recipients who replied to the email.

Training Complete

The number of recipients who have finished the training.

Training Incomplete

The number of recipients who have been enrolled but did not finish the training.