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Exporting campaign statistics

Exporting campaign statistics

After a campaign is completed, you can export campaign data as a CSV to view the user list and behaviors. You can also generate a FortiPhish Campaign Report to view details about the campaign.

To export campaign data:
  1. Go to Campaigns and click the Archived tab.

  2. Click the name of a completed campaign. The Campaign - Details page opens.
  3. Export the campaign data:

    Export PDF File

    The FortiPhish Campaign Report opens in a new browser tab.

    The report contains the following sections: Risk Grade, Click To Open Rate, Campaign Summary, Click To Open Rate, Campaign Preview, Campaign Timelines, Campaign Metric, and User Group Report.

    Export CSV file

    The CSV file is saved to your device.

    The file shows the recipients' email, as well the statistics for delivered, opened, clicked, submitted, executed, replied, Risk Grade, and reported emails as yes or no (Y/N) values.

    Training Completed

    The number of recipients who have finished the training.

Exporting campaign statistics

After a campaign is completed, you can export campaign data as a CSV to view the user list and behaviors. You can also generate a FortiPhish Campaign Report to view details about the campaign.

To export campaign data:
  1. Go to Campaigns and click the Archived tab.

  2. Click the name of a completed campaign. The Campaign - Details page opens.
  3. Export the campaign data:

    Export PDF File

    The FortiPhish Campaign Report opens in a new browser tab.

    The report contains the following sections: Risk Grade, Click To Open Rate, Campaign Summary, Click To Open Rate, Campaign Preview, Campaign Timelines, Campaign Metric, and User Group Report.

    Export CSV file

    The CSV file is saved to your device.

    The file shows the recipients' email, as well the statistics for delivered, opened, clicked, submitted, executed, replied, Risk Grade, and reported emails as yes or no (Y/N) values.

    Training Completed

    The number of recipients who have finished the training.