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AWS Kubernetes Obtain Access Token

AWS Kubernetes Obtain Access Token

After the service account is created, obtain the access token for that service account:

  1. Log into Kubernetes cluster using CLI command line.
  2. Describe the service account to get details:
  3. kubectl describe sa auto-deployment-sa

  4. Obtain the access token of the service account using the Tokens above:
  5. kubectl describe secrets auto-deployment-sa-token-zqcc4

  6. Obtain the API server address:
  7. kubectl config view

Make a note of the access token and the API server address.

AWS Kubernetes Obtain Access Token

AWS Kubernetes Obtain Access Token

After the service account is created, obtain the access token for that service account:

  1. Log into Kubernetes cluster using CLI command line.
  2. Describe the service account to get details:
  3. kubectl describe sa auto-deployment-sa

  4. Obtain the access token of the service account using the Tokens above:
  5. kubectl describe secrets auto-deployment-sa-token-zqcc4

  6. Obtain the API server address:
  7. kubectl config view

Make a note of the access token and the API server address.