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FortiLAN Cloud User Guide

Neighbour APs

Neighbour APs

This tab displays any neighboring APs (rogue and interfering APs) that might be present in your network. The dashboard displays the sources of interference that can be from the same network (Infrastructure) or a rogue device. The data is organized in widgets and tabular format. You can filter the required data easily and categorize multiple FortiAPs.

The data displayed on this dashboard categorizes the APs based on different criteria, class (Rogue AP, Accepted AP, Unclassified AP), SSIDs, signal strength, the radios detected by, channel used, authentication modes, vendors, etc. Click on the charts to view the specific devices and other associated details.

Neighbour APs

This tab displays any neighboring APs (rogue and interfering APs) that might be present in your network. The dashboard displays the sources of interference that can be from the same network (Infrastructure) or a rogue device. The data is organized in widgets and tabular format. You can filter the required data easily and categorize multiple FortiAPs.

The data displayed on this dashboard categorizes the APs based on different criteria, class (Rogue AP, Accepted AP, Unclassified AP), SSIDs, signal strength, the radios detected by, channel used, authentication modes, vendors, etc. Click on the charts to view the specific devices and other associated details.