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User Guide

Creating Device Account Batch

Creating Device Account Batch

The FortiGuest allows you to create multiple device accounts at the same time. You can create multiple device accounts manually or import from a .csv file.

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Create Device Account Batch and click New to create an account. Update the following user details requesting the device be added on to the network.

  • The MAC Address of the device.
  • The First Name and the Last Name of the user.
  • The Company or organization of the user.
  • The user Email address.
  • The Mobile Number of the user.
  • You can import the device account details in a .csv format. Click Download CSV Template and populate the required fields in the template file. After the template file is updated with device/user details, click Upload CSV to upload it.
  • You can create an account batch after the device accounts are created/imported. Update the following details.

    • The Batch Name.
    • Select the associated Account Group and Usage Profile.
    • Select the Timezone relevant to the user.

    Creating Device Account Batch

    Creating Device Account Batch

    The FortiGuest allows you to create multiple device accounts at the same time. You can create multiple device accounts manually or import from a .csv file.

    1. Navigate to Accounts > Create Device Account Batch and click New to create an account. Update the following user details requesting the device be added on to the network.

    • The MAC Address of the device.
    • The First Name and the Last Name of the user.
    • The Company or organization of the user.
    • The user Email address.
    • The Mobile Number of the user.
  • You can import the device account details in a .csv format. Click Download CSV Template and populate the required fields in the template file. After the template file is updated with device/user details, click Upload CSV to upload it.
  • You can create an account batch after the device accounts are created/imported. Update the following details.

    • The Batch Name.
    • Select the associated Account Group and Usage Profile.
    • Select the Timezone relevant to the user.