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Smart Connect Policies

Smart Connect Policies

Smart Connect allows you to create and apply different policies to a device based on the device type classification. Smart Connect allows your wireless settings to be automatically configured to securely connect you to a wireless network. It allows you to download a profile from a network that uses Smart Connect and define a set of rules known as a Smart Connect Policy.

  1. Navigate to Smart Connect > Smart Connect Policies and enter a unique policy name.
  2. You can add Conditions to your policy by adding attributes. To add more conditions click Add Condition and select the appropriate attribute from the drop down menu.
  3. Select the Smart Connect profiles that you want to assign to users that match the rule you have created. Enable Allow Insecure Connection to enable users to continue using open networks instead of running Smart Connect when they authenticate as per your requirement. Optionally, you can enable/disable Use Apple Configuration Profiles for Apple devices.

After a user is authenticated and authorized, FortiGuest applies the Smart Connect policy rules on that user, to find the appropriate Smart Connect profile to connect to the network.

Smart Connect Policies

Smart Connect Policies

Smart Connect allows you to create and apply different policies to a device based on the device type classification. Smart Connect allows your wireless settings to be automatically configured to securely connect you to a wireless network. It allows you to download a profile from a network that uses Smart Connect and define a set of rules known as a Smart Connect Policy.

  1. Navigate to Smart Connect > Smart Connect Policies and enter a unique policy name.
  2. You can add Conditions to your policy by adding attributes. To add more conditions click Add Condition and select the appropriate attribute from the drop down menu.
  3. Select the Smart Connect profiles that you want to assign to users that match the rule you have created. Enable Allow Insecure Connection to enable users to continue using open networks instead of running Smart Connect when they authenticate as per your requirement. Optionally, you can enable/disable Use Apple Configuration Profiles for Apple devices.

After a user is authenticated and authorized, FortiGuest applies the Smart Connect policy rules on that user, to find the appropriate Smart Connect profile to connect to the network.