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Basic DLP settings

Basic DLP settings

DLP settings can be configured for data types, dictionaries, EDM templates, sensors, file patterns, and profiles. DLP can be configured in both the CLI and the GUI irrespective of firewall policy inspection mode.


To use DLP profile in a flow-based firewall policy, set feature-set flow must be set from the CLI. See Configuring DLP from the CLI for more information.

DLP profiles can only be added to a flow-based firewall policy from the CLI.

On the Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention page, there are Profiles, Sensors, Dictionaries, and EDM Templates tabs to configure those DLP settings. DLP profiles can be added to proxy-based firewall policies and proxy policies from the GUI.


If Data Loss Prevention is not visible in the tree menu, go to System > Feature Visibility and enable it.

This section breaks down the DLP configuration into a sequence of steps:

  1. Configure the DLP dictionary and/or EDM template:

    • A DLP dictionary is a collection of data type entries. See Built-in DLP data type for more information.

    • An EDM template pairs the data from an external file, such as a data threat feed file, with built-in data types. See Exact data matching for more information.

  2. Configure the DLP sensor:

    • A DLP sensor defines which dictionary and/or EDM template to check. It counts the number of matches to trigger the sensor.

  3. Configure the DLP profile:

    • A DLP profile allows for filtering by size and file type. See DLP file pattern for custom file type.

  4. Add the DLP profile to a firewall policy.


All the steps mentioned above should be configured in the exact order given for ease of configuration.

Configuring DLP from the GUI

Use the following steps to configure DLP from the GUI.

To configure a DLP dictionary:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Dictionaries tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Dictionary Entries section, click Create New.

  5. Set the Type and click OK.

  6. Click OK to save the dictionary.

To configure an EDM template:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the EDM Templates tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Resource settings section, select one of the following:

    File upload

    Select to upload an external file of data to use with built-in data types. The external file can be in text (TXT) or comma-separated value (CSV) format.

    External feed

    Select to provide the URL to a file of data on an external server to use with built-in data types. The external file must be in comma-separated value (CSV) format. FortiGate will periodically fetch entries from the external file using HTTPS.

    External feed URL

    Specify the URL to the data file in CSV format on the external server.

    HTTP basic authentication

    Enable to use basic HTTP authentication when accessing the file on the external server. Specify the username and password for the external server.

    Refresh rate

    Specify the time interval to refresh the external resource (minutes).

  5. Set the Match criteria section:

    Each column in the external file represents data for a built-in data type. The patterns in the data file must be valid for the data type. If the patterns are invalid, FortiGate cannot use them, and no warning is displayed.

    +All of these fields

    Click to pair each column in the external data file with a built-in data type.

    All of the specified data in this section must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Column index

    Specify the column number in the external file that contains the data.

    Column data type

    Indicate which built-in data type pairs with the column index. Choose from:

    • credit-card

    • edm-keyword

    • mip-label

    • ssn-us

    +Any of these fields

    Click to pair the column in the external data file with a built-in data type, and to specify how many of these pairs must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Minimum number of fields matched

    Specify how many of the fields in the Any of these fields section must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Column index

    Specify the column number in the external file that contains the data.

    Column data type

    Indicate which built-in data type pairs with the column index. Choose from:

    • credit-card

    • edm-keyword

    • mip-label

    • ssn-us

    • fg-edm-can-natl_is-sin


      The data type fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin, which represents the Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN), is dynamically managed by FortiGuard. It is available for use as one of the data types in EDM templates, provided the user has a valid FortiGuard DLP service license.

  6. Click OK to save the EDM template.

To configure a DLP sensor:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Sensors tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Sensors Entries section, click Create New.

  5. In the Sensor entry list, select a dictionary and/or EDM template and click OK.

  6. Click OK to save the sensor.

To configure a DLP profile:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Profiles tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Rules section, click Create New.

  5. Configure the following settings:


    Filter name.

    Data source type

    Specify what type of data source to use:

    • Sensor: Use DLP sensors, such as dictionaries or EDM templates to match content.

    • MIP label: Use MIP label dictionaries to match content.


    Select DLP sensors or MIP labels:

    • Sensor: Select one or more DLP sensors when Data source type is set to Sensor.

    • MIP label: Select one or more MIP label dictionaries when Data source type is set to MIP label.


    Select the severity or threat level that matches this filter.


    Action to take with content that this DLP profile matches.

    Match type

    Select whether to check the content of messages (an email message) or files (downloaded files or email attachments).

    File type

    Select the number of a DLP file pattern table to match.


    Check messages or files over one or more of these protocols.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click OK to save the profile.

To add the DLP profile to a firewall policy:
  1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Set the Inspection Mode to Proxy-based.

  4. In the Security Profiles section, enable DLP Profile and select the desired profile.

  5. Configure the other settings as needed.

  6. Click OK.

Configuring DLP from the CLI

Use the following steps to configure DLP from the CLI.

To configure a DLP dictionary:
config dlp dictionary
    edit <name>
        config entries
            edit 1
                set type {credit-card | hex | keyword | mip-label | regex | ssn-us}
                set pattern <string>
                set repeat {enable | disable}
                set status {enable | disable}
To configure an EDM template:

When configuring an EDM template from the CLI, you must link to a data file in CSV format on an external server; you cannot upload the data file to FortiGate.

  1. Add the URL for the data threat feed file to FortiGate.

    config system external-resource
        edit <name>        
            set type data
            set resource <URL to resource file on external server>
  2. Configure the EDM template.

    config dlp exact-data-match
        edit <name>
            set optional <number of optional columns that must match>
            set data <name of external resource file>
            config columns
                edit <column index number>
                    set type {credit-card | edm-keyword | mip-label | ssn-us | fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin}

    The data type fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin, which represents the Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN), is dynamically managed by FortiGuard. It is available for use as one of the data types in EDM templates, provided the user has a valid FortiGuard DLP service license.

To configure a DLP sensor:
config dlp sensor
    edit <name>
        set match-type {match-all | match-any | match-eval}
        set eval <string>
        config entries
            edit <id>
                set dictionary <dlp dictionary or EDM template>
                set count <integer>
                set status {enable | disable}

See Evaluation by logical relationship for more information about match-eval.

To configure a DLP profile:
config dlp profile
    edit <name>
        set feature-set {flow | proxy}
        config rule
            edit <id>
                set proto <protocol> <protocol> ...
                set sensor <dlp_sensor>
                set action {allow | log-only | block | quarantine-ip}
To add the DLP profile to a firewall policy:
config firewall policy
    edit <id>
        set srcintf <interface>
        set dstintf <interface>
        set action accept
        set srcaddr <address>
        set dstaddr <address>
        set schedule "always"
        set service "ALL"
        set utm-status enable
        set inspection-mode proxy
        set dlp-profile <string>

See DLP examples for sample configurations.

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Basic DLP settings

Basic DLP settings

DLP settings can be configured for data types, dictionaries, EDM templates, sensors, file patterns, and profiles. DLP can be configured in both the CLI and the GUI irrespective of firewall policy inspection mode.


To use DLP profile in a flow-based firewall policy, set feature-set flow must be set from the CLI. See Configuring DLP from the CLI for more information.

DLP profiles can only be added to a flow-based firewall policy from the CLI.

On the Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention page, there are Profiles, Sensors, Dictionaries, and EDM Templates tabs to configure those DLP settings. DLP profiles can be added to proxy-based firewall policies and proxy policies from the GUI.


If Data Loss Prevention is not visible in the tree menu, go to System > Feature Visibility and enable it.

This section breaks down the DLP configuration into a sequence of steps:

  1. Configure the DLP dictionary and/or EDM template:

    • A DLP dictionary is a collection of data type entries. See Built-in DLP data type for more information.

    • An EDM template pairs the data from an external file, such as a data threat feed file, with built-in data types. See Exact data matching for more information.

  2. Configure the DLP sensor:

    • A DLP sensor defines which dictionary and/or EDM template to check. It counts the number of matches to trigger the sensor.

  3. Configure the DLP profile:

    • A DLP profile allows for filtering by size and file type. See DLP file pattern for custom file type.

  4. Add the DLP profile to a firewall policy.


All the steps mentioned above should be configured in the exact order given for ease of configuration.

Configuring DLP from the GUI

Use the following steps to configure DLP from the GUI.

To configure a DLP dictionary:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Dictionaries tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Dictionary Entries section, click Create New.

  5. Set the Type and click OK.

  6. Click OK to save the dictionary.

To configure an EDM template:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the EDM Templates tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Resource settings section, select one of the following:

    File upload

    Select to upload an external file of data to use with built-in data types. The external file can be in text (TXT) or comma-separated value (CSV) format.

    External feed

    Select to provide the URL to a file of data on an external server to use with built-in data types. The external file must be in comma-separated value (CSV) format. FortiGate will periodically fetch entries from the external file using HTTPS.

    External feed URL

    Specify the URL to the data file in CSV format on the external server.

    HTTP basic authentication

    Enable to use basic HTTP authentication when accessing the file on the external server. Specify the username and password for the external server.

    Refresh rate

    Specify the time interval to refresh the external resource (minutes).

  5. Set the Match criteria section:

    Each column in the external file represents data for a built-in data type. The patterns in the data file must be valid for the data type. If the patterns are invalid, FortiGate cannot use them, and no warning is displayed.

    +All of these fields

    Click to pair each column in the external data file with a built-in data type.

    All of the specified data in this section must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Column index

    Specify the column number in the external file that contains the data.

    Column data type

    Indicate which built-in data type pairs with the column index. Choose from:

    • credit-card

    • edm-keyword

    • mip-label

    • ssn-us

    +Any of these fields

    Click to pair the column in the external data file with a built-in data type, and to specify how many of these pairs must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Minimum number of fields matched

    Specify how many of the fields in the Any of these fields section must match for FortiGate to take an action.

    Column index

    Specify the column number in the external file that contains the data.

    Column data type

    Indicate which built-in data type pairs with the column index. Choose from:

    • credit-card

    • edm-keyword

    • mip-label

    • ssn-us

    • fg-edm-can-natl_is-sin


      The data type fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin, which represents the Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN), is dynamically managed by FortiGuard. It is available for use as one of the data types in EDM templates, provided the user has a valid FortiGuard DLP service license.

  6. Click OK to save the EDM template.

To configure a DLP sensor:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Sensors tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Sensors Entries section, click Create New.

  5. In the Sensor entry list, select a dictionary and/or EDM template and click OK.

  6. Click OK to save the sensor.

To configure a DLP profile:
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Loss Prevention.

  2. Select the Profiles tab and click Create New.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. In the Rules section, click Create New.

  5. Configure the following settings:


    Filter name.

    Data source type

    Specify what type of data source to use:

    • Sensor: Use DLP sensors, such as dictionaries or EDM templates to match content.

    • MIP label: Use MIP label dictionaries to match content.


    Select DLP sensors or MIP labels:

    • Sensor: Select one or more DLP sensors when Data source type is set to Sensor.

    • MIP label: Select one or more MIP label dictionaries when Data source type is set to MIP label.


    Select the severity or threat level that matches this filter.


    Action to take with content that this DLP profile matches.

    Match type

    Select whether to check the content of messages (an email message) or files (downloaded files or email attachments).

    File type

    Select the number of a DLP file pattern table to match.


    Check messages or files over one or more of these protocols.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click OK to save the profile.

To add the DLP profile to a firewall policy:
  1. Go to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Set the Inspection Mode to Proxy-based.

  4. In the Security Profiles section, enable DLP Profile and select the desired profile.

  5. Configure the other settings as needed.

  6. Click OK.

Configuring DLP from the CLI

Use the following steps to configure DLP from the CLI.

To configure a DLP dictionary:
config dlp dictionary
    edit <name>
        config entries
            edit 1
                set type {credit-card | hex | keyword | mip-label | regex | ssn-us}
                set pattern <string>
                set repeat {enable | disable}
                set status {enable | disable}
To configure an EDM template:

When configuring an EDM template from the CLI, you must link to a data file in CSV format on an external server; you cannot upload the data file to FortiGate.

  1. Add the URL for the data threat feed file to FortiGate.

    config system external-resource
        edit <name>        
            set type data
            set resource <URL to resource file on external server>
  2. Configure the EDM template.

    config dlp exact-data-match
        edit <name>
            set optional <number of optional columns that must match>
            set data <name of external resource file>
            config columns
                edit <column index number>
                    set type {credit-card | edm-keyword | mip-label | ssn-us | fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin}

    The data type fg-edm-can-natl_id-sin, which represents the Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN), is dynamically managed by FortiGuard. It is available for use as one of the data types in EDM templates, provided the user has a valid FortiGuard DLP service license.

To configure a DLP sensor:
config dlp sensor
    edit <name>
        set match-type {match-all | match-any | match-eval}
        set eval <string>
        config entries
            edit <id>
                set dictionary <dlp dictionary or EDM template>
                set count <integer>
                set status {enable | disable}

See Evaluation by logical relationship for more information about match-eval.

To configure a DLP profile:
config dlp profile
    edit <name>
        set feature-set {flow | proxy}
        config rule
            edit <id>
                set proto <protocol> <protocol> ...
                set sensor <dlp_sensor>
                set action {allow | log-only | block | quarantine-ip}
To add the DLP profile to a firewall policy:
config firewall policy
    edit <id>
        set srcintf <interface>
        set dstintf <interface>
        set action accept
        set srcaddr <address>
        set dstaddr <address>
        set schedule "always"
        set service "ALL"
        set utm-status enable
        set inspection-mode proxy
        set dlp-profile <string>

See DLP examples for sample configurations.