SSH traffic file scanning
FortiGates can buffer, scan, log, or block files sent over SSH traffic (SCP and SFTP) depending on the file size, type, or contents (such as viruses or sensitive content).
This feature is supported in proxy-based inspection mode. It is currently not supported in flow-based inspection mode. |
You can configure the following SSH traffic settings in the CLI:
- Protocol options
- Filter profile (SCP block/log options and file filter)
- DLP sensor
- Antivirus (profile and quarantine options)
To configure SSH protocol options:
config firewall profile-protocol-options edit "protocol" config ssh set options [oversize | clientcomfort | servercomfort] set comfort-interval [1 - 900] set comfort-amount [1 - 65535] set oversize-limit [1 - 798] set uncompressed-oversize-limit [0 - 798] set uncompressed-nest-limit [2 - 100] set scan-bzip2 [enable | disable] end next end
To configure SCP block and log options:
config ssh-filter profile edit "ssh-test" set block scp set log scp next end
To configure the SSH file filter:
config ssh-filter profile edit "ssh-test" config file-filter set status [enable | disable] set log [enable | disable] set scan-archive-contents [enable | disable] config entries edit "1" set comment '' set action [block | log] set direction [incoming | outgoing | any] set password-protected [yes | any] set file-type "msoffice" next end end next end
To configure the DLP sensor:
config dlp sensor edit "test" set full-archive-proto ssh set summary-proto ssh config filter edit 1 set proto ssh next end next end
To configure the antivirus profile options:
config antivirus profile edit "av" config ssh set options [scan | avmonitor | quarantine] set archive-block [encrypted | corrupted | partiallycorrupted | multipart | nested | mailbomb | fileslimit | timeout | unhandled] set archive-log [encrypted | corrupted | partiallycorrupted | multipart | nested | mailbomb | fileslimit | timeout | unhandled] set emulator [enable | disable] set outbreak-prevention [disabled | files | full-archive] end next end
To configure the antivirus quarantine options:
config antivirus quarantine set drop-infected ssh set store-infected ssh set drop-blocked ssh set store-blocked ssh set drop-heuristic ssh set store-heuristic ssh end
Sample logs
SCP traffic blocked by ssh-filter profile
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:34:42 logid="1601061010" type="utm" subtype="ssh" eventtype="ssh-channel" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563989682560488314 tz="-0700" policyid=1 sessionid=2693 profile="ssh-test" srcip= srcport=33044 dstip= dstport=22 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 action="blocked" direction="outgoing" login="root" channeltype="scp"
SCP traffic blocked by file-filter
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:36:44 logid="1900064000" type="utm" subtype="file-filter" eventtype="file-filter" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563989804387444023 tz="-0700" policyid=1 sessionid=2732 srcip= srcport=33048 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=22 dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="SSH" subservice="SCP" profile="ssh-test" direction="incoming" action="blocked" filtername="1" filename="test.xls" filesize=13824 filetype="msoffice" msg="File was blocked by file filter."
SFTP traffic blocked by file-filter
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:43:58 logid="1900064000" type="utm" subtype="file-filter" eventtype="file-filter" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563990238339440605 tz="-0700" policyid=1 sessionid=2849 srcip= srcport=33056 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=22 dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="SSH" subservice="SFTP" profile="ssh-test" direction="incoming" action="blocked" filtername="1" filename="test.xls" filesize=13824 filetype="msoffice" msg="File was blocked by file filter."
SCP traffic blocked by dlp sensor
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:42:42 logid="0954024576" type="utm" subtype="dlp" eventtype="dlp" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563990162266253784 tz="-0700" filteridx=1 filtername="test" dlpextra="builtin-patterns" filtertype="file-type" filtercat="file" severity="medium" policyid=1 sessionid=2838 epoch=1425775843 eventid=0 srcip= srcport=33054 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=22 dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="SSH" subservice="SFTP" filetype="msoffice" direction="incoming" action="block" filename="test.xls" filesize=13824 profile="test"
SFTP traffic blocked by dlp sensor
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:41:23 logid="0954024576" type="utm" subtype="dlp" eventtype="dlp" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563990083875731367 tz="-0700" filteridx=1 filtername="test" dlpextra="builtin-patterns" filtertype="file-type" filtercat="file" severity="medium" policyid=1 sessionid=2809 epoch=1425775842 eventid=0 srcip= srcport=33052 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=22 dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="SSH" subservice="SCP" filetype="msoffice" direction="incoming" action="block" filename="test.xls" filesize=13824 profile="test"
SCP traffic blocked by antivirus profile
1: date=2019-07-24 time=10:45:57 logid="0211008192" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="infected" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563990357330463670 tz="-0700" msg="File is infected." action="blocked" service="SSH" subservice="SCP" sessionid=2875 srcip= dstip= srcport=33064 dstport=22 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" policyid=1 proto=6 direction="incoming" filename="eicar.exe" checksum="53badd68" quarskip="No-skip" virus="EICAR_TEST_FILE" dtype="Virus" ref="" virusid=2172 profile="av" analyticscksum="7fc2dfc5a2247d743556ef59abe3e03569a6241e2b1e44b9614fc764847fb637" analyticssubmit="false" crscore=50 craction=2 crlevel="critical"
SFTP traffic blocked by antivirus profile
2: date=2019-07-24 time=10:45:46 logid="0211008192" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="infected" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1563990346334781409 tz="-0700" msg="File is infected." action="blocked" service="SSH" subservice="SFTP" sessionid=2874 srcip= dstip= srcport=33062 dstport=22 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port3" dstintfrole="undefined" policyid=1 proto=6 direction="incoming" filename="eicar.exe" checksum="53badd68" quarskip="No-skip" virus="EICAR_TEST_FILE" dtype="Virus" ref="" virusid=2172 profile="av" analyticscksum="7fc2dfc5a2247d743556ef59abe3e03569a6241e2b1e44b9614fc764847fb637" analyticssubmit="false" crscore=50 craction=2 crlevel="critical"
Antivirus quarantine list triggered by infected files sent over SCP/SFTP: