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AWS Administration Guide

Generating a raw image and registering it in OpsHub

Generating a raw image and registering it in OpsHub

This section requires customers to obtain the FortiGate-VM qcow2 KVM image from the Fortinet Support site. See Downloading a firmware image. See Converting between image formats for information about creating a raw image.

To generate a raw image and register it in OpsHub:
  1. Generate a raw image:
    1. Download

    2. Unpack the zipped downloaded file containing the Qcow2.

    3. Use qemu-img convert -p -O raw fortios.qcow2 fgt_kvm.raw
    4. Place the raw image that was just created to the Snowball Edge device S3-Snow bucket that you created earlier.
  2. Create a snapshot from the raw image:
    1. From the Services dropdown list, select Compute (EC2).
    2. Select Snapshots.

    3. Select Import snapshot.

    4. Select the previously created role.

    5. Select the bucket that you uploaded the raw image to.

    6. Select the raw image.

    7. Select Submit and wait for the snapshot import status to move to Completed.

  3. From the Snapshots page, select the newly created snapshot, then select Register image.

  4. Configure the image as desired, then click Submit.

Generating a raw image and registering it in OpsHub

This section requires customers to obtain the FortiGate-VM qcow2 KVM image from the Fortinet Support site. See Downloading a firmware image. See Converting between image formats for information about creating a raw image.

To generate a raw image and register it in OpsHub:
  1. Generate a raw image:
    1. Download

    2. Unpack the zipped downloaded file containing the Qcow2.

    3. Use qemu-img convert -p -O raw fortios.qcow2 fgt_kvm.raw
    4. Place the raw image that was just created to the Snowball Edge device S3-Snow bucket that you created earlier.
  2. Create a snapshot from the raw image:
    1. From the Services dropdown list, select Compute (EC2).
    2. Select Snapshots.

    3. Select Import snapshot.

    4. Select the previously created role.

    5. Select the bucket that you uploaded the raw image to.

    6. Select the raw image.

    7. Select Submit and wait for the snapshot import status to move to Completed.

  3. From the Snapshots page, select the newly created snapshot, then select Register image.

  4. Configure the image as desired, then click Submit.