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Admin Guide (Standalone)

Create a data plan

Create a data plan

You can configure a data plan with the following parameters:

config lte plan
  edit Verizon
    set modem modem1
    set type by-carrier
    set carrier Verizon
    set apn WE01.VZWSTATIC
    set auth NONE
    set user
    set pwd
    set pdn ipv4-only
    set signal-threshold 0
    set signal-period 0
    set capacity 0
    set monthly-fee 0
    set billing-date 0
    set overage disable
    set preferred-subnet 32
    set private-network disable

When "private network" is enabled, FortiExtender allows the flow of non-NATed IP traffic on to an LTE interface. Otherwise, it does not.

Parameter Description
modem Choose “modem1”, “modem2”, or “all”.

Choose the way for the modem to select the SIM card:

  • carrier— Assign by SIM carrier.
  • slot— Assign to SIM slot 1 or 2.
  • iccid— Assign to a specific SIM by its serial number (18 to 22 digits).
  • generic— Compatible with any SIM. Assigned if no other data plan matches the chosen SIM.
iccid The serial number of the SIM, mandatory for “set type by-iccid”.
carrier The SIM card carrier, mandatory for “set type by-carrier”.
slot The SIM card slot, mandatory for “set type by-slot”
apn The APN of the SIM card.
auth-type The Authorization mode.
username The username.


The password.


The Packet Data Network (PDN) IP address family.


The signal-strength threshold beyond which SIM switch will occur.

Note: Enter an integer value from <50> to <100> (default = <100>).


The length of time (from 600 to 18000 seconds) for SIM switch to occur when signal strength remains below the set signal threshold for more than half of the set period.


The data capacity per month (from 0 to 102400000 MB).


The monthly fee for the data plan (from 0 to 1000000).


The billing date of the month.


DHCP subnet.


(Enable/disable) blocking all non-NATed traffic.

Create a data plan

Create a data plan

You can configure a data plan with the following parameters:

config lte plan
  edit Verizon
    set modem modem1
    set type by-carrier
    set carrier Verizon
    set apn WE01.VZWSTATIC
    set auth NONE
    set user
    set pwd
    set pdn ipv4-only
    set signal-threshold 0
    set signal-period 0
    set capacity 0
    set monthly-fee 0
    set billing-date 0
    set overage disable
    set preferred-subnet 32
    set private-network disable

When "private network" is enabled, FortiExtender allows the flow of non-NATed IP traffic on to an LTE interface. Otherwise, it does not.

Parameter Description
modem Choose “modem1”, “modem2”, or “all”.

Choose the way for the modem to select the SIM card:

  • carrier— Assign by SIM carrier.
  • slot— Assign to SIM slot 1 or 2.
  • iccid— Assign to a specific SIM by its serial number (18 to 22 digits).
  • generic— Compatible with any SIM. Assigned if no other data plan matches the chosen SIM.
iccid The serial number of the SIM, mandatory for “set type by-iccid”.
carrier The SIM card carrier, mandatory for “set type by-carrier”.
slot The SIM card slot, mandatory for “set type by-slot”
apn The APN of the SIM card.
auth-type The Authorization mode.
username The username.


The password.


The Packet Data Network (PDN) IP address family.


The signal-strength threshold beyond which SIM switch will occur.

Note: Enter an integer value from <50> to <100> (default = <100>).


The length of time (from 600 to 18000 seconds) for SIM switch to occur when signal strength remains below the set signal threshold for more than half of the set period.


The data capacity per month (from 0 to 102400000 MB).


The monthly fee for the data plan (from 0 to 1000000).


The billing date of the month.


DHCP subnet.


(Enable/disable) blocking all non-NATed traffic.