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Admin Guide (Standalone)

OBM management

OBM management

FortiExtender can be connected to the console port of any device behind it via its USB port, thereby enabling out-of-band management (OBM). This mode requires access to FortiExtender over its WAN interface.

This feature supports multiple OBM console connections with USB to multiple serial console cable/adapter. Once you've logged into FortiExtender, you can access its console port using the following procedures:

  1. Log into the FortiExtender device.
  2. Connect to the console port of the device.
  3. Execute the command:

    # execute obm-console

    Welcome to OBM Console - Serial Redirector.

    One device connected with ttyUSB0.

    Please choose the baudrate from list below:

    1. 9600

    2. 19200

    3. 38400

    4. 57600

    5. 115200

    6. 921600

    7. Other baudrate

    Enter to continue & CTRL+X to go back to FortiExtender Console.

When USB to multiple serial console cable/adapter is used, execute the following command:

# execute obm-console

Welcome to OBM Console - Serial Redirector.

There are 2 devices/ports connected.

Please choose one from list below:

1. ttyUSB0

2. ttyUSB1

Please choose the baudrate from list below:

1. 9600

2. 19200

3. 38400

4. 57600

5. 115200

6. 921600

7. Other baudrate

Enter to continue & CTRL+X to go back to FortiExtender Console.

Make sure that the baud rate you select matches the baud rate of the router which is connected to the serial console via the USB port.

OBM management

FortiExtender can be connected to the console port of any device behind it via its USB port, thereby enabling out-of-band management (OBM). This mode requires access to FortiExtender over its WAN interface.

This feature supports multiple OBM console connections with USB to multiple serial console cable/adapter. Once you've logged into FortiExtender, you can access its console port using the following procedures:

  1. Log into the FortiExtender device.
  2. Connect to the console port of the device.
  3. Execute the command:

    # execute obm-console

    Welcome to OBM Console - Serial Redirector.

    One device connected with ttyUSB0.

    Please choose the baudrate from list below:

    1. 9600

    2. 19200

    3. 38400

    4. 57600

    5. 115200

    6. 921600

    7. Other baudrate

    Enter to continue & CTRL+X to go back to FortiExtender Console.

When USB to multiple serial console cable/adapter is used, execute the following command:

# execute obm-console

Welcome to OBM Console - Serial Redirector.

There are 2 devices/ports connected.

Please choose one from list below:

1. ttyUSB0

2. ttyUSB1

Please choose the baudrate from list below:

1. 9600

2. 19200

3. 38400

4. 57600

5. 115200

6. 921600

7. Other baudrate

Enter to continue & CTRL+X to go back to FortiExtender Console.

Make sure that the baud rate you select matches the baud rate of the router which is connected to the serial console via the USB port.