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Handbook (HTML)

Connecting to the web UI and CLI

Connecting to the web UI and CLI

The default IP address and subnet of port1 is To connect to the appliance's web UI on port1, for example, go to

To connect to the appliance's CLI, connect your computer’s serial communications (COM) port to the FortiDB appliance’s console port. Use terminal emulation software to connect with the appliance using the following configuration:

Serial line to connect to COM1 (or, if your computer has multiple serial ports, the name of the connected serial port)
Speed (baud) 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Flow control None

The default administrator account name and password is admin and fortidb1!$.

See also

Connecting to the web UI and CLI

The default IP address and subnet of port1 is To connect to the appliance's web UI on port1, for example, go to

To connect to the appliance's CLI, connect your computer’s serial communications (COM) port to the FortiDB appliance’s console port. Use terminal emulation software to connect with the appliance using the following configuration:

Serial line to connect to COM1 (or, if your computer has multiple serial ports, the name of the connected serial port)
Speed (baud) 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity None
Flow control None

The default administrator account name and password is admin and fortidb1!$.

See also