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Filtering report data

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Copy Doc ID 73ac471a-9afd-11ea-8862-00505692583a:829306

Filtering report data

To add or edit a DAM report, go to the Data Filter tab.

Data time range

You can choose dynamic time period, or specific time range, for report's data filtering.

Select the Last Period option for dynamic time period. Input period value, and select period unit from Day, Week or Month.

The dynamic time range will be calculated every time when you run the report (manually or scheduled run). For example, when you select "last 2 days" for period, FortiDB will filter the alerts (or audits) received from 48 hours early to the report running moment.

To use specific time range, select Date Range option, input from date/time and to date/time.

Records limit

Input the number for records entry limit, in Limit to.

This limit number is the maximum records available to display in report data table.

Custom data filters

Custom Data Filters allows you configure filtering criteria by columns conditions.

The Filters configuration is same as configuring filtering criteria for Alert/Audit Search Group.

For details, see Filtering and searching alerts.

For DAM Alerts Report, you can select Alert Group option, select one group from dropdown list, to use the group's filtering setting for reporting.

For DAM Audits Report, you can select Audit Group option, select one group from dropdown list, to use the group's filtering setting for reporting.

Filtering report data

To add or edit a DAM report, go to the Data Filter tab.

Data time range

You can choose dynamic time period, or specific time range, for report's data filtering.

Select the Last Period option for dynamic time period. Input period value, and select period unit from Day, Week or Month.

The dynamic time range will be calculated every time when you run the report (manually or scheduled run). For example, when you select "last 2 days" for period, FortiDB will filter the alerts (or audits) received from 48 hours early to the report running moment.

To use specific time range, select Date Range option, input from date/time and to date/time.

Records limit

Input the number for records entry limit, in Limit to.

This limit number is the maximum records available to display in report data table.

Custom data filters

Custom Data Filters allows you configure filtering criteria by columns conditions.

The Filters configuration is same as configuring filtering criteria for Alert/Audit Search Group.

For details, see Filtering and searching alerts.

For DAM Alerts Report, you can select Alert Group option, select one group from dropdown list, to use the group's filtering setting for reporting.

For DAM Audits Report, you can select Audit Group option, select one group from dropdown list, to use the group's filtering setting for reporting.