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Renew Account error

Renew License error

When you have renewed your license but cannot find it on your FortiCASB Dashboard, follow these steps to see if the license appears in your FortiCARE account.

  1. Log into FortiCare with your Master FortiCare account.
  2. From the top main menu click on Asset > Manage/View Products.
  3. Check and see if the license/contract you purchased is shown in the product list.
  4. If you do not see the license/contract you purchased is on the list, please contact FortiCARE support.
  5. If your license is on the list, then it only need to be assigned to the company/business unit on FortiCASB.

Renew License error

When you have renewed your license but cannot find it on your FortiCASB Dashboard, follow these steps to see if the license appears in your FortiCARE account.

  1. Log into FortiCare with your Master FortiCare account.
  2. From the top main menu click on Asset > Manage/View Products.
  3. Check and see if the license/contract you purchased is shown in the product list.
  4. If you do not see the license/contract you purchased is on the list, please contact FortiCARE support.
  5. If your license is on the list, then it only need to be assigned to the company/business unit on FortiCASB.