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Fabric connectors FAQ

Fabric connectors FAQ

1) Why did my FortiGate fail to connect to FortiGSLB?

First, ensure your authentication for the FortiGate connector is correct. Then, check the firewall for that FortiGate to ensure that the device firewall is not blocking the packet from FortiGSLB. Check the FortiGSLB source IP to ensure the device can accept the packet from FortiGSLB. For details on how to check the FortiGSLB source IP addresses, see DevOps FAQ.

2) What should I check if my FortiGSLB fails to connect to the FortiGate even after I have chosen the token authentication type and specified the token?

When you choose the token authentication type, the FortiGSLB uses the API token you specified, and sends the REST API requests to your FortiGate to fetch the information. The failure may be caused by an invalid token or a token without the right permissions to access the FortiGate REST API.

To validate the API token, you can send an REST API request from your browser by opening a private browser window and entering a URL as below:


Replace the placeholders with values for your FortiGate:

  • <YOUR-FORTGATE-ADDRESS> is the IP address or hostname of your FortiGate as well as the HTTPS port number.

  • <YOUR-API-TOKEN> is the token you generated on your FortiGate for the REST API user.

If your browser displays results that start out similar to the following, then your API token is valid. If your browser has no return, or display errors, it indicates the API token is either invalid or has no permission to access your FortiGate REST API. In this case, please check the API user permissions on your FortiGate or regenerate the API token.

Fabric connectors FAQ

Fabric connectors FAQ

1) Why did my FortiGate fail to connect to FortiGSLB?

First, ensure your authentication for the FortiGate connector is correct. Then, check the firewall for that FortiGate to ensure that the device firewall is not blocking the packet from FortiGSLB. Check the FortiGSLB source IP to ensure the device can accept the packet from FortiGSLB. For details on how to check the FortiGSLB source IP addresses, see DevOps FAQ.

2) What should I check if my FortiGSLB fails to connect to the FortiGate even after I have chosen the token authentication type and specified the token?

When you choose the token authentication type, the FortiGSLB uses the API token you specified, and sends the REST API requests to your FortiGate to fetch the information. The failure may be caused by an invalid token or a token without the right permissions to access the FortiGate REST API.

To validate the API token, you can send an REST API request from your browser by opening a private browser window and entering a URL as below:


Replace the placeholders with values for your FortiGate:

  • <YOUR-FORTGATE-ADDRESS> is the IP address or hostname of your FortiGate as well as the HTTPS port number.

  • <YOUR-API-TOKEN> is the token you generated on your FortiGate for the REST API user.

If your browser displays results that start out similar to the following, then your API token is valid. If your browser has no return, or display errors, it indicates the API token is either invalid or has no permission to access your FortiGate REST API. In this case, please check the API user permissions on your FortiGate or regenerate the API token.