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Adding comments

Adding comments

You can add a comment and attach files to the Ticket Conversation.

To add a comment:
  1. Go to Tickets.

  2. Select the Ticket#. The ticket details are displayed.

  3. Expand Ticket Conversation.

  4. Select Add Comment.

  5. Enter a detailed comment in the Comment field.

  6. Click File Upload and select the file type. The File Explorer opens.

  7. Select the files you want to attach and click Open. The files are listed in Attachment.

  8. Click Submit. The comment will appear in the Ticket Conversation.


    If you do not want the comment to be public yet, select Save Draft instead of Submit and click elsewhere to exit the screen. This allows you to return to the comment later and publish it to the Ticket Conversation when you are ready. Select Edit Draft to make changes or publish it. Select Discard Draft to delete the draft.

To delete a file from a comment, select the x and confirm the removal in the Confirm File Removal dialog.

Adding comments

You can add a comment and attach files to the Ticket Conversation.

To add a comment:
  1. Go to Tickets.

  2. Select the Ticket#. The ticket details are displayed.

  3. Expand Ticket Conversation.

  4. Select Add Comment.

  5. Enter a detailed comment in the Comment field.

  6. Click File Upload and select the file type. The File Explorer opens.

  7. Select the files you want to attach and click Open. The files are listed in Attachment.

  8. Click Submit. The comment will appear in the Ticket Conversation.


    If you do not want the comment to be public yet, select Save Draft instead of Submit and click elsewhere to exit the screen. This allows you to return to the comment later and publish it to the Ticket Conversation when you are ready. Select Edit Draft to make changes or publish it. Select Discard Draft to delete the draft.

To delete a file from a comment, select the x and confirm the removal in the Confirm File Removal dialog.