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Using URL list templates

Using URL list templates

Some test cases you want to run require you to provide a list of URLs. To simplify the configuration, you can create a URL list template and then import it when you configure test case settings.

To create a URL list template:
  1. Go to Cases > Security Testing > Objects > URLs.
  2. Click Add to display the configuration page.
  3. Enter a name for your URL template (a name similar to UrlObject_20180822-21:41:07 is shown by default, and you can rename it).
  4. Click URLs Management.
  5. In the popup dialogue box, add URL by using the Add URL box or the Upload file option.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save to save the configuration (at least one URL shall be selected).

After you have created a URL list template, you can clone or export it as a zip file. This template can now be selected from the URL Group option on the popup dialogue when running a test.

Using URL list templates

Some test cases you want to run require you to provide a list of URLs. To simplify the configuration, you can create a URL list template and then import it when you configure test case settings.

To create a URL list template:
  1. Go to Cases > Security Testing > Objects > URLs.
  2. Click Add to display the configuration page.
  3. Enter a name for your URL template (a name similar to UrlObject_20180822-21:41:07 is shown by default, and you can rename it).
  4. Click URLs Management.
  5. In the popup dialogue box, add URL by using the Add URL box or the Upload file option.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save to save the configuration (at least one URL shall be selected).

After you have created a URL list template, you can clone or export it as a zip file. This template can now be selected from the URL Group option on the popup dialogue when running a test.