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Configuring VLANs

Configuring VLANs

Use Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) to logically separate a LAN into smaller broadcast domains. VLANs allow you to define different policies for different types of users and to set finer control on the LAN traffic. (Traffic is only sent automatically within the VLAN. You must configure routing for traffic between VLANs.)

From the FortiGate unit, you can centrally configure and manage VLANs for the managed FortiSwitch units.

In FortiSwitchOS 3.3.0 and later releases, the FortiSwitch supports untagged and tagged frames in FortiLink mode. The switch supports up to 1,023 user-defined VLANs. You can assign a VLAN number (ranging from 1-4095) to each of the VLANs. For FortiSwitch units in FortiLink mode (FortiOS 6.2.0 and later), you can assign a name to each VLAN.

You can configure the default VLAN for each FortiSwitch port as well as a set of allowed VLANs for each FortiSwitch port.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating VLANs

Setting up a VLAN requires you to create the VLAN and assign FortiSwitch ports to the VLAN. You can do this with either the Web GUI or CLI.

Using the GUI

To create the VLAN:

  1. Go to WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch VLANs, select Create New, and change the following settings:
    Interface NameVLAN name
    VLAN IDEnter a number (1-4094)
    ColorChoose a unique color for each VLAN, for ease of visual display.
    RoleSelect LAN, WAN, DMZ, or Undefined.
  2. Enable DHCP for IPv4 or IPv6.
  3. Set the Administrative access options as required.
  4. Select OK.
To assign FortiSwitch ports to the VLAN:
  1. Go to WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch Ports.
  2. Click a port row.
  3. Click the Native VLAN column in one of the selected entries to change the native VLAN.
  4. Select a VLAN from the displayed list. The new value is assigned to the selected ports.
  5. Click the + icon in the Allowed VLANs column to change the allowed VLANs.
  6. Select one or more of the VLANs (or the value all) from the displayed list. The new value is assigned to the selected port.

Using the FortiSwitch CLI

  1. Create the marketing VLAN.

    config system interface

    edit <vlan name>

    set vlanid <1-4094>

    set color <1-32>

    set interface <FortiLink-enabled interface>


  2. Set the VLAN’s IP address.

    config system interface

    edit <vlan name>

    set ip <IP address> <Network mask>


  3. Enable a DHCP Server.

    config system dhcp server

    edit 1

    set default-gateway <IP address>

    set dns-service default

    set interface <vlan name>

    config ip-range

    set start-ip <IP address>

    set end-ip <IP address>


    set netmask <Network mask>


  4. Assign ports to the VLAN.

    config switch-controller managed-switch

    edit <Switch ID>

    config ports

    edit <port name>

    set vlan <vlan name>

    set allowed-vlans <vlan name>


    set allowed-vlans-all enable




  5. Assign untagged VLANs to a managed FortiSwitch port:

    config switch-controller managed-switch

    edit <managed-switch>

    config ports

    edit <port>

    set untagged-vlans <VLAN-name>





Viewing FortiSwitch VLANs

The WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch VLANs page displays VLAN information for the managed switches.

Each entry in the VLAN list displays the following information:

  • Name—name of the VLAN
  • VLAN ID—the VLAN number
  • IP/Netmask—address and mask of the subnetwork that corresponds to this VLAN
  • Access—administrative access settings for the VLAN
  • Ref—number of configuration objects referencing this VLAN

Changing the VLAN configuration mode

You can change which VLANs the set allowed-vlans command affects.

If you want the set allowed-vlans command to apply to all user-defined VLANs, use the following CLI commands:

config switch-controller global

set vlan-all-mode defined


If you want the set allowed-vlans command to apply to all possible VLANs (1-4094), use the following CLI commands:

config switch-controller global

set vlan-all-mode all


NOTE: You cannot use the set vlan-all-mode all command with the set vlan-optimization enable command.

Configuring VLANs

Configuring VLANs

Use Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) to logically separate a LAN into smaller broadcast domains. VLANs allow you to define different policies for different types of users and to set finer control on the LAN traffic. (Traffic is only sent automatically within the VLAN. You must configure routing for traffic between VLANs.)

From the FortiGate unit, you can centrally configure and manage VLANs for the managed FortiSwitch units.

In FortiSwitchOS 3.3.0 and later releases, the FortiSwitch supports untagged and tagged frames in FortiLink mode. The switch supports up to 1,023 user-defined VLANs. You can assign a VLAN number (ranging from 1-4095) to each of the VLANs. For FortiSwitch units in FortiLink mode (FortiOS 6.2.0 and later), you can assign a name to each VLAN.

You can configure the default VLAN for each FortiSwitch port as well as a set of allowed VLANs for each FortiSwitch port.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating VLANs

Setting up a VLAN requires you to create the VLAN and assign FortiSwitch ports to the VLAN. You can do this with either the Web GUI or CLI.

Using the GUI

To create the VLAN:

  1. Go to WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch VLANs, select Create New, and change the following settings:
    Interface NameVLAN name
    VLAN IDEnter a number (1-4094)
    ColorChoose a unique color for each VLAN, for ease of visual display.
    RoleSelect LAN, WAN, DMZ, or Undefined.
  2. Enable DHCP for IPv4 or IPv6.
  3. Set the Administrative access options as required.
  4. Select OK.
To assign FortiSwitch ports to the VLAN:
  1. Go to WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch Ports.
  2. Click a port row.
  3. Click the Native VLAN column in one of the selected entries to change the native VLAN.
  4. Select a VLAN from the displayed list. The new value is assigned to the selected ports.
  5. Click the + icon in the Allowed VLANs column to change the allowed VLANs.
  6. Select one or more of the VLANs (or the value all) from the displayed list. The new value is assigned to the selected port.

Using the FortiSwitch CLI

  1. Create the marketing VLAN.

    config system interface

    edit <vlan name>

    set vlanid <1-4094>

    set color <1-32>

    set interface <FortiLink-enabled interface>


  2. Set the VLAN’s IP address.

    config system interface

    edit <vlan name>

    set ip <IP address> <Network mask>


  3. Enable a DHCP Server.

    config system dhcp server

    edit 1

    set default-gateway <IP address>

    set dns-service default

    set interface <vlan name>

    config ip-range

    set start-ip <IP address>

    set end-ip <IP address>


    set netmask <Network mask>


  4. Assign ports to the VLAN.

    config switch-controller managed-switch

    edit <Switch ID>

    config ports

    edit <port name>

    set vlan <vlan name>

    set allowed-vlans <vlan name>


    set allowed-vlans-all enable




  5. Assign untagged VLANs to a managed FortiSwitch port:

    config switch-controller managed-switch

    edit <managed-switch>

    config ports

    edit <port>

    set untagged-vlans <VLAN-name>





Viewing FortiSwitch VLANs

The WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiSwitch VLANs page displays VLAN information for the managed switches.

Each entry in the VLAN list displays the following information:

  • Name—name of the VLAN
  • VLAN ID—the VLAN number
  • IP/Netmask—address and mask of the subnetwork that corresponds to this VLAN
  • Access—administrative access settings for the VLAN
  • Ref—number of configuration objects referencing this VLAN

Changing the VLAN configuration mode

You can change which VLANs the set allowed-vlans command affects.

If you want the set allowed-vlans command to apply to all user-defined VLANs, use the following CLI commands:

config switch-controller global

set vlan-all-mode defined


If you want the set allowed-vlans command to apply to all possible VLANs (1-4094), use the following CLI commands:

config switch-controller global

set vlan-all-mode all


NOTE: You cannot use the set vlan-all-mode all command with the set vlan-optimization enable command.