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Administration Guide


Appendix I: How to input the authentication path Example

Appendix I: How to input the authentication path Example

A login URL can be long. Usually, the URL is composed of:

  • Scheme: The protocol used to access the resource, e.g., https:// or http://.

  • Host: The IP address or the domain name of the server.

  • Path: The location of the resource on the server.

  • Other parameters: Additional information such as query parameters to the server about the request.

    They are separated from the path by ?.

Example 1

When accessing the FortiSRA GUI by entering the login IP address, e.g., in the web browser address bar and hitting enter, the full URL shown in the browser is

You can specify /remote/login as the auth-path.

Example 2

For the Microsoft Azure portal, you can configure the auth-path as /organizations/oauth2/v2.0/authorize while the full authentication URL is

Appendix I: How to input the authentication path Example

Appendix I: How to input the authentication path Example

A login URL can be long. Usually, the URL is composed of:

  • Scheme: The protocol used to access the resource, e.g., https:// or http://.

  • Host: The IP address or the domain name of the server.

  • Path: The location of the resource on the server.

  • Other parameters: Additional information such as query parameters to the server about the request.

    They are separated from the path by ?.

Example 1

When accessing the FortiSRA GUI by entering the login IP address, e.g., in the web browser address bar and hitting enter, the full URL shown in the browser is

You can specify /remote/login as the auth-path.

Example 2

For the Microsoft Azure portal, you can configure the auth-path as /organizations/oauth2/v2.0/authorize while the full authentication URL is