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Administration Guide

Configuring FortiAuthenticator Cloud - III

Configuring FortiAuthenticator Cloud - III

To fully configure a SAML SP entry for FortiSASE in FortiAuthenticator Cloud:
  1. Go to the open web browser and continue configuring Edit SAML Service Provider in FortiAuthenticator Cloud.
  2. In the SP Metadata pane, enter the SP information from FortiSASE, which you will use as the SAML SP:
    FortiSASE > Configuration > VPN User SSOFortiAuthenticator Cloud > Edit SAML Service Provider
    Entity IDSP entity ID
    ACS URLSP ACS (login) URL
    SLS URLSP SLS (logout) URL
  3. In Assertion Attribute Configuration, configure the following:
    1. Select Username from the Subject NameID dropdown list.
    2. Select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified in Format.
  4. In Assertion Attributes, select Add Assertion Attribute and add the following attributes:
    1. SAML attribute: username

      User attribute: SAML username

    2. SAML attribute: groups

      User attribute: SAML group membership

  5. Click OK to save changes.

Configuring FortiAuthenticator Cloud - III

To fully configure a SAML SP entry for FortiSASE in FortiAuthenticator Cloud:
  1. Go to the open web browser and continue configuring Edit SAML Service Provider in FortiAuthenticator Cloud.
  2. In the SP Metadata pane, enter the SP information from FortiSASE, which you will use as the SAML SP:
    FortiSASE > Configuration > VPN User SSOFortiAuthenticator Cloud > Edit SAML Service Provider
    Entity IDSP entity ID
    ACS URLSP ACS (login) URL
    SLS URLSP SLS (logout) URL
  3. In Assertion Attribute Configuration, configure the following:
    1. Select Username from the Subject NameID dropdown list.
    2. Select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified in Format.
  4. In Assertion Attributes, select Add Assertion Attribute and add the following attributes:
    1. SAML attribute: username

      User attribute: SAML username

    2. SAML attribute: groups

      User attribute: SAML group membership

  5. Click OK to save changes.