Creating sponsored group members
The sponsor admin created in Creating a sponsor admin logs in to the FortiPAM.
To create sponsored group members as a sponsor admin:
- Log in to FortiPAM as the sponsor admin.
- Go to User Management > User List, and select Create.
The New User List wizard is launched.
- In Configure Role, select Standard User and click Next.
The user is automatically assigned to the sponsored group created in Creating a sponsored group.
- In Configure Type, select Local User.
- In Configure User Details:
- In Username, enter a username.
- In Password, enter the password.
- In Confirm Password, reenter the password.
- Enable Status.
- Optionally, you can enter a description about the user.
- Click Next.
- In Two Factor Authentication, click Next.
- In Configure Trusted Hosts and Schedule, click Next.
- Review the configuration and click Submit.
- For additional users, follow steps 1 - 8.
Note: The maximum number of users that can be created will depend on the number that you have set up in Creating a sponsored group.
For a sponsor admin with two users in the sponsored group, the User List in User Management is shown below: