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Creating sponsored group members

Creating sponsored group members

The sponsor admin created in Creating a sponsor admin logs in to the FortiPAM.

To create sponsored group members as a sponsor admin:
  1. Log in to FortiPAM as the sponsor admin.
  2. Go to User Management > User List, and select Create.

    The New User List wizard is launched.

  3. In Configure Role, select Standard User and click Next.

    The user is automatically assigned to the sponsored group created in Creating a sponsored group.

  4. In Configure Type, select Local User.
  5. In Configure User Details:
    1. In Username, enter a username.
    2. In Password, enter the password.
    3. In Confirm Password, reenter the password.
    4. Enable Status.
    5. Optionally, you can enter a description about the user.
    6. Click Next.
  6. In Two Factor Authentication, click Next.
  7. In Configure Trusted Hosts and Schedule, click Next.
  8. Review the configuration and click Submit.

  9. For additional users, follow steps 1 - 8.

    Note: The maximum number of users that can be created will depend on the number that you have set up in Creating a sponsored group.

    For a sponsor admin with two users in the sponsored group, the User List in User Management is shown below:

Creating sponsored group members

Creating sponsored group members

The sponsor admin created in Creating a sponsor admin logs in to the FortiPAM.

To create sponsored group members as a sponsor admin:
  1. Log in to FortiPAM as the sponsor admin.
  2. Go to User Management > User List, and select Create.

    The New User List wizard is launched.

  3. In Configure Role, select Standard User and click Next.

    The user is automatically assigned to the sponsored group created in Creating a sponsored group.

  4. In Configure Type, select Local User.
  5. In Configure User Details:
    1. In Username, enter a username.
    2. In Password, enter the password.
    3. In Confirm Password, reenter the password.
    4. Enable Status.
    5. Optionally, you can enter a description about the user.
    6. Click Next.
  6. In Two Factor Authentication, click Next.
  7. In Configure Trusted Hosts and Schedule, click Next.
  8. Review the configuration and click Submit.

  9. For additional users, follow steps 1 - 8.

    Note: The maximum number of users that can be created will depend on the number that you have set up in Creating a sponsored group.

    For a sponsor admin with two users in the sponsored group, the User List in User Management is shown below: