Remember User
You can enable storing guest user credentials in FortiGuest, that are used to login automatically when the user connects again. The credentials are stored based on the browser cookies or device MAC address.
Remember Credentials – Select the setting to apply to the remember user option. If you select Let user choose, then the remember user option is displayed in the login page of the guest portal. The guest can enable/disable it.
Remember for – Select the time duration for which the credentials are stored, in the number or hours or days.
Remember a user by – Select the method for storing the credentials. The following methods are available.
Cookies - The user credentials are encrypted and stored in a cookie that is saved in the device browser. When the user connects again, this cookie fetches the credentials, allowing the user to connect automatically without logging in.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the device is stored in the database and the credentials are stored in the cache for that MAC address. When the user connects again from the same device and the MAC address match is found in the database, then the user connects automatically without logging in.
Initially fetch the credentials using the cookie, if that fails, then retrieve the user credentials using the device MAC address.
FortiGuest stores user credentials only after successful authentication.
This feature is not applicable, if FortiGate/enforcement device is configured with a re-direct URL other than FortiGuest, after authentication.
The saved user credentials are deleted if the guest user logs out or changes/resets password.
If the Remember Credentials is changed to Never, then all stored credentials saved for that portal are deleted.