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Administration Guide

WebSocket for Security Fabric events

WebSocket for Security Fabric events

With the WebSocket for Security Fabric events, subscribers to the WebSocket (such as the Fabric Management page) are updated upon new Fabric events and alert users to reload the page.


To deauthorize a downstream FortiGate:
  1. Go to System > Fabric Management and select a downstream FortiGate in the table.
  2. Right-click on the device and select Authorization > Deauthorize.

  3. An alert appears in the bottom-right corner of the page. Click Reload Now to refresh the page.

    The deauthorized FortiGate's status is now listed as Unauthorized.

WebSocket for Security Fabric events

WebSocket for Security Fabric events

With the WebSocket for Security Fabric events, subscribers to the WebSocket (such as the Fabric Management page) are updated upon new Fabric events and alert users to reload the page.


To deauthorize a downstream FortiGate:
  1. Go to System > Fabric Management and select a downstream FortiGate in the table.
  2. Right-click on the device and select Authorization > Deauthorize.

  3. An alert appears in the bottom-right corner of the page. Click Reload Now to refresh the page.

    The deauthorized FortiGate's status is now listed as Unauthorized.