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Updating the FortiFone softclient

Updating the FortiFone softclient

To update the installed version of the FortiFone softclient app, perform the following steps:

  1. On your iPhone, tap the Apple App Store app .
  2. Search for FortiFone.
  3. Tap FortiFone.
  4. Tap Update.

    If you do not see the Update button, then your iPhone is using the latest FortiFone softclient version.

  5. After the update is complete, you can verify the version number of the FortiFone softclient app:
    1. Tap .
    2. Tap About and review the version details.
    3. To close the window, tap Close.

Updating the FortiFone softclient

To update the installed version of the FortiFone softclient app, perform the following steps:

  1. On your iPhone, tap the Apple App Store app .
  2. Search for FortiFone.
  3. Tap FortiFone.
  4. Tap Update.

    If you do not see the Update button, then your iPhone is using the latest FortiFone softclient version.

  5. After the update is complete, you can verify the version number of the FortiFone softclient app:
    1. Tap .
    2. Tap About and review the version details.
    3. To close the window, tap Close.