Viewing Supply Chain Threats
Supply chain threats refer to security risks that arise from vulnerabilities present in the components, software libraries, or dependencies used in the development of an application. These threats can be exploited by attackers to compromise the overall security of the application and potentially gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems.
Click Supply Chain Threats in the App Directory page to view the all the supply chain threat alerts. The following fields are displayed for each supply chain threat.
Vulnerability: The name of the specific vulnerability detected.
Detected on: The date and time when the threat was first identified.
Compliances: Indicates whether the vulnerability is related to OWASP or SANS standards.
Applications affected: A list of applications that are impacted by the vulnerability.
CVEs: A list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) associated with the threat. Click on any CVE to view the corresponding page on the NVD (National Vulnerability Database) website.
Note: FortiDevSec SCA currently detects Supply Chain threats only from Python OSS ecosystems.