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Update Google Cloud Account

Update Google Cloud Account


To use FortiCWP with Google Cloud Platform, you must have a G Suite account,service account, and the JSON private key associated with the service account. The service account must have “G Suite Domain-wide Delegation” enabled and Project Owner/Organization Administrator roles for monitoring.

Steps to setup Google Cloud with FortiCWP

  1. Configure G Suite Account
  2. Configure Service Account
  3. Grant Service Account API Access
  4. Grant Service Account Owner Role
  5. Grant service account Organization Administrator role
  6. Enable required APIs
  7. Enable activity and alert monitoring
  8. Update Google Cloud Account

Your G Suite account can be either an existing account or a new account. If you have just created a new account, you must wait for at least 24 hours for the account to take effect before granting it access to FortiCWP. The G Suite account to which you connect from within FortiCWP must have the Super Admin role in your G Suite account.

Update Google Cloud Account


To use FortiCWP with Google Cloud Platform, you must have a G Suite account,service account, and the JSON private key associated with the service account. The service account must have “G Suite Domain-wide Delegation” enabled and Project Owner/Organization Administrator roles for monitoring.

Steps to setup Google Cloud with FortiCWP

  1. Configure G Suite Account
  2. Configure Service Account
  3. Grant Service Account API Access
  4. Grant Service Account Owner Role
  5. Grant service account Organization Administrator role
  6. Enable required APIs
  7. Enable activity and alert monitoring
  8. Update Google Cloud Account

Your G Suite account can be either an existing account or a new account. If you have just created a new account, you must wait for at least 24 hours for the account to take effect before granting it access to FortiCWP. The G Suite account to which you connect from within FortiCWP must have the Super Admin role in your G Suite account.