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Private Cloud Add Kubernetes Cluster - Self Managed

Private Cloud Add Kubernetes Cluster - Self Managed

  1. From the Container Protection navigation menu, go to CONFIGURE > Kubernetes Cluster.
  2. Click Add New Kubernetes Cluster to add a Kubernetes Cluster.
  3. Click Select Kubernetes Platform drop down menu to select "Private Cloud".
  4. Click Select Kubernetes Type drop down menu and select Self Managed, and click Add Kubernetes Cluster.

You will be prompt to manually deploy Kubernetes Agent controller to the Kubernetes Cluster, follow the rest of the instructions in Deploy Kubernetes Agent Controller.

For Openshift Containers, please note that Container Protection only supports image scanning while compliance audit feature is not supported yet in FortiCWP 21.1.0.

Private Cloud Add Kubernetes Cluster - Self Managed

  1. From the Container Protection navigation menu, go to CONFIGURE > Kubernetes Cluster.
  2. Click Add New Kubernetes Cluster to add a Kubernetes Cluster.
  3. Click Select Kubernetes Platform drop down menu to select "Private Cloud".
  4. Click Select Kubernetes Type drop down menu and select Self Managed, and click Add Kubernetes Cluster.

You will be prompt to manually deploy Kubernetes Agent controller to the Kubernetes Cluster, follow the rest of the instructions in Deploy Kubernetes Agent Controller.

For Openshift Containers, please note that Container Protection only supports image scanning while compliance audit feature is not supported yet in FortiCWP 21.1.0.