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FortiCNP service endpoints supports HTTP requests through the use of REST APIs. This section contains documentation for FortiCNP REST API service endpoints. FortiCNP provides one endpoint with single authentication token to simplify developer experience. All the service endpoints can be accessed through a single access/bearer token. The HTTP requests provide access to valuable FortiCNP cloud resources. All FortiCNP REST APIs, such as Get, POST, etc. require access/bearer token in assembling HTTPS requests.

Request Authorization Methods

There are 2 methods of acquiring the access/bearer token from FortiCNP to assemble a REST API request to access FortiCNP resources.

1. Client Credential

Client credential can be used to generate access/bearer token to form request headers. First, you will need to log into FortiCNP and generate a FortiCNP credential, please follow the guide in to generate a credential. This is only a one-time process, and only one credential is necessary to generate access/bearer token.

After you have acquired a client credential, it can be used permanently to assemble the request header to obtain an access/bearer token as long as the client credential is not revoked.

Follow the example in Get Credentials Token to use client credential to assemble HTTPS POST request header to acquire access/bearer token.

2. Refresh Token

The use of refresh token requires the credential token above. Once you get the response through client credential, you may use the refresh token in the response body to acquire more bearer tokens without using client credential.

Follow the example in Get Refresh Token to generate access/bearer token using refresh token. The refresh token will expire 8 hours after generated.

Fabricate Request Header and Body

After acquiring access/bearer token, use the bearer token to assemble a REST API request. Like all other REST APIT requests, FortiCNP operate through a secured channel: URI request with HTTPS protocol. The details of the request parameters are determined by the specific REST API specification.

You may take a closer look in each REST API specification to determine what additional fields are necessary to fulfill the request. Request body is an optional field, depending on the API specification, some parameters may be required and others are optional.

Send Request

There are 5 request headers that are often used in FortiCNP REST API requests. The first 3 are default request headers.

Request Header



The domain name of the REST service endpoint or the IP address. There are two domain host options:

  1. For European Union users, please use
  2. For Global Users (non-EU users), please use


Access/bearer token generated earlier through one of the get token methods
Content-Type This default header is set as "application/json"
Company ID The company ID of the company which the username or the credential is originated from. Company ID can be obtained from Get Resource Map

File ID

File ID is used when requests sent associate with documents stored in the cloud accounts. File ID can be obtained from Get Alert by Filter

When you have assembled the request header and body, the request is ready to be sent to the REST endpoint. Here is a GET request example in HTTPS:

GET /api/v1/country/list? HTTP/1.1

Host: (For EU users, please use

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6IkFQSSIsImlzcyI6ImZhdXRoLXNlcnZlciIsImhvc3QiOlsiRkNXUCJdLCJleHAiOjE1ODY5MTUxNjQsImFpZCI6InFhLmNhc2IxQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJ9.Hh2yVHEEd73BJ31rEjB2C-iclodmMigEPIwtuRwCObo

Content-Type: application/json

REST API Response

After you sent the request to FortiCNP service endpoint, you will receive a response header and a response body. The above request calls for the list of countries, and here is a part of the response in JSON format:




"country":"United States of America"



API Throttling

API throttling refers to the limit that FortiCNP sets on the number of requests in a range of time to prevent the application sending too many requests. The API throttling of FortiCNP is 100TPM (times per minute), meaning there can have 100 requests in one minute.


FortiCNP service endpoints supports HTTP requests through the use of REST APIs. This section contains documentation for FortiCNP REST API service endpoints. FortiCNP provides one endpoint with single authentication token to simplify developer experience. All the service endpoints can be accessed through a single access/bearer token. The HTTP requests provide access to valuable FortiCNP cloud resources. All FortiCNP REST APIs, such as Get, POST, etc. require access/bearer token in assembling HTTPS requests.

Request Authorization Methods

There are 2 methods of acquiring the access/bearer token from FortiCNP to assemble a REST API request to access FortiCNP resources.

1. Client Credential

Client credential can be used to generate access/bearer token to form request headers. First, you will need to log into FortiCNP and generate a FortiCNP credential, please follow the guide in to generate a credential. This is only a one-time process, and only one credential is necessary to generate access/bearer token.

After you have acquired a client credential, it can be used permanently to assemble the request header to obtain an access/bearer token as long as the client credential is not revoked.

Follow the example in Get Credentials Token to use client credential to assemble HTTPS POST request header to acquire access/bearer token.

2. Refresh Token

The use of refresh token requires the credential token above. Once you get the response through client credential, you may use the refresh token in the response body to acquire more bearer tokens without using client credential.

Follow the example in Get Refresh Token to generate access/bearer token using refresh token. The refresh token will expire 8 hours after generated.

Fabricate Request Header and Body

After acquiring access/bearer token, use the bearer token to assemble a REST API request. Like all other REST APIT requests, FortiCNP operate through a secured channel: URI request with HTTPS protocol. The details of the request parameters are determined by the specific REST API specification.

You may take a closer look in each REST API specification to determine what additional fields are necessary to fulfill the request. Request body is an optional field, depending on the API specification, some parameters may be required and others are optional.

Send Request

There are 5 request headers that are often used in FortiCNP REST API requests. The first 3 are default request headers.

Request Header



The domain name of the REST service endpoint or the IP address. There are two domain host options:

  1. For European Union users, please use
  2. For Global Users (non-EU users), please use


Access/bearer token generated earlier through one of the get token methods
Content-Type This default header is set as "application/json"
Company ID The company ID of the company which the username or the credential is originated from. Company ID can be obtained from Get Resource Map

File ID

File ID is used when requests sent associate with documents stored in the cloud accounts. File ID can be obtained from Get Alert by Filter

When you have assembled the request header and body, the request is ready to be sent to the REST endpoint. Here is a GET request example in HTTPS:

GET /api/v1/country/list? HTTP/1.1

Host: (For EU users, please use

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzY29wZSI6IkFQSSIsImlzcyI6ImZhdXRoLXNlcnZlciIsImhvc3QiOlsiRkNXUCJdLCJleHAiOjE1ODY5MTUxNjQsImFpZCI6InFhLmNhc2IxQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJ9.Hh2yVHEEd73BJ31rEjB2C-iclodmMigEPIwtuRwCObo

Content-Type: application/json

REST API Response

After you sent the request to FortiCNP service endpoint, you will receive a response header and a response body. The above request calls for the list of countries, and here is a part of the response in JSON format:




"country":"United States of America"



API Throttling

API throttling refers to the limit that FortiCNP sets on the number of requests in a range of time to prevent the application sending too many requests. The API throttling of FortiCNP is 100TPM (times per minute), meaning there can have 100 requests in one minute.