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Shadow IT Dashboard

Shadow IT Dashboard

Usage of unsanctioned cloud applications

All unsanctioned cloud applications are given a ranking based on the risk score, the number of users, and use volume. FortiCASB uses that data to pinpoint and display the applications, clients, and sessions that are most at risk. FortiCASB also displays the statistics and percentage of risky applications, clients, and sessions using pie charts.

File insight

File insight shows the total number of sanctioned cloud applications the organization is using, the total number of users, and the total number of files stored in each cloud application.

Top Unsanctioned Apps

The Top High Risk, Client, and Session Apps displays all applications monitored by FortiCASB. Filter the list using the time range box on the top right.

Click on an app to display detailed information regarding the application.

Shadow IT Dashboard

Usage of unsanctioned cloud applications

All unsanctioned cloud applications are given a ranking based on the risk score, the number of users, and use volume. FortiCASB uses that data to pinpoint and display the applications, clients, and sessions that are most at risk. FortiCASB also displays the statistics and percentage of risky applications, clients, and sessions using pie charts.

File insight

File insight shows the total number of sanctioned cloud applications the organization is using, the total number of users, and the total number of files stored in each cloud application.

Top Unsanctioned Apps

The Top High Risk, Client, and Session Apps displays all applications monitored by FortiCASB. Filter the list using the time range box on the top right.

Click on an app to display detailed information regarding the application.