Fine-grained controls
The Fine-grained Controls menu provides options to include or exclude a user or group from SSO, and set the maximum number of concurrent sessions that a user or group can have.
To adjust the controls, go to Fortinet SSO Methods > SSO > Fine-grained Controls.
The following options are available:
To edit an SSO user or group:
- In the Fine-grained Controls window, select the SSO user or group that is being edited then select Edit. The Edit SSO Fine-grained Control Item window opens.
- Enter the maximum number of concurrent SSO logon sessions per user that the user or group is allowed to have. Enter 0 for unlimited. The value must be less than or equal to five.
- If the SSO item is a user, select Exclude from SSO and select either Do not affect current user when excluded user logs in or Logoff current user when excluded user logs in.
- Select OK to apply the changes.