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Real server pool details

Real server pool details

The real server pool details page (Real server pool details) shows detailed information about the real server pool you selected on the Virtual Server page under the FortiView Server Load Balance sub-menu.

The top of the page shows the name of the real server pool and the virtual server to which it is assigned. Below the real server pool name are two tabs—Members and Health. The former shows information about the members (real servers) in the real server pool, whereas the latter shows the health state of the real server pool in general.


The Member pages (see the image above) shows key information about the real servers in a real server pool, as described in Real server pool member information .

Real server pool member information

Column title Description


The name of a real server pool member (real server).

Note: Clicking the name of a real server opens the page with detailed information about the real server.


Shows the status of a real server pool member, which can be either of the following:

  • Enable
  • Disable


The IP address of a real server pool member (real server).


The port used by a real server pool member.


The weight assigned to a real server pool member.

Throughput (bits/sec)

The graph shows the change in a real server's throughput in bits per second over the specified period of time.

Note: If you mouse over a specific point in the graph, a tool tip will pop up showing the number of bits per second that a real server pool member transmits at that time point.


The graph shows the change in the number of concurrent connections with the real server pool member over the specified period of time.

Note: If you mouse over a specific point in the graph, a tool tip will pop up showing the number of concurrent connections at that time point.


The color of the heart icon indicates the health state of a real server pool member, which can be either of the following:

  • Green = healthy
  • Red = Unhealthy

This graph shows the overall health status of the real server pool.

Real server pool details

The real server pool details page (Real server pool details) shows detailed information about the real server pool you selected on the Virtual Server page under the FortiView Server Load Balance sub-menu.

The top of the page shows the name of the real server pool and the virtual server to which it is assigned. Below the real server pool name are two tabs—Members and Health. The former shows information about the members (real servers) in the real server pool, whereas the latter shows the health state of the real server pool in general.


The Member pages (see the image above) shows key information about the real servers in a real server pool, as described in Real server pool member information .

Real server pool member information

Column title Description


The name of a real server pool member (real server).

Note: Clicking the name of a real server opens the page with detailed information about the real server.


Shows the status of a real server pool member, which can be either of the following:

  • Enable
  • Disable


The IP address of a real server pool member (real server).


The port used by a real server pool member.


The weight assigned to a real server pool member.

Throughput (bits/sec)

The graph shows the change in a real server's throughput in bits per second over the specified period of time.

Note: If you mouse over a specific point in the graph, a tool tip will pop up showing the number of bits per second that a real server pool member transmits at that time point.


The graph shows the change in the number of concurrent connections with the real server pool member over the specified period of time.

Note: If you mouse over a specific point in the graph, a tool tip will pop up showing the number of concurrent connections at that time point.


The color of the heart icon indicates the health state of a real server pool member, which can be either of the following:

  • Green = healthy
  • Red = Unhealthy

This graph shows the overall health status of the real server pool.